chapter 7; 2x17

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what you waiting for?
"you're still a super hot female"

what you waiting for? "you're still a super hot female"

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"Damon!" Stefan whisper-yelled at Damon, shaking him to wake up.

"What?" Damon questioned in a raspy voice.

"It's Luna, she's ran away, get dressed. We need to find her." Stefan explained.

Damon's eyes widened in shock, "Okay."

He got up and put a shirt on. Him and Stefan quietly left the house, hoping their Father wouldn't wake up.

"Did you see which way she went?" Damon asked his younger brother.

"No, I saw her running and I went to go wake you. After that, she could've gone anywhere." Stefan explained quickly.

"Okay, well let's go look for her then." Damon said.

After an hour or two of looking through the woods, they couldn't find Luna. There was only so many places she could be.

"Stefan, this is hopeless. We must go back before Father notices we are missing as well." Damon reasoned.

"No, Damon! We have to keep looking! She's our sister! You know for a fact, if the situation was reversed, that she wouldn't give up until she found us!" Stefan yelled, tears threatening to spill.

Damon took notice of his brothers state, and how much this hurt him. "Stefan, I assure you we will find her. Father will definitely send people out to find her, we will go out and look for her. Maybe even Katherine will help." Damon reassured him.

A single tear rolled down his cheek. "Okay." Stefan said, quietly.


"Damon, has Luna told you anything else? Or have you found something out?" Stefan asked, pouring himself a drink.

"No. Not really. The only thing I do know, is that she's angry with The Originals about something.God knows what." Damon answered taking a sip of his bourbon. "You?"

"All she told me was that they found her in 1864, I'm guessing the night she ran away, that she stayed with them until 1919, where she faked her death." Stefan explained.

"If you're going to talk about me, at least do it quieter." Luna said, coming into the room with a smirk on her face. "And I wasn't entirely honest." Luna started.

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