chapter 1

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Hi everyone!!!! As promised i am back with my second ff on Jasly and i hope i won't disappoint you all this time too. please forgive me if i make any mistakes and this ff is completely my imagination and resemblance to reality is complete coincidence. Please do vote and comment as it really encourages me also suggestions are always welcome.....happy reading!!!!

////(p.s. i hope i live up to you all's expectations)////

A girl is shown sitting in a bench in front of a marriage registry office in a simple bridal lehenga. From her facial expression it was clear that she had been desperately waiting for someone to arrive as she was constantly trying to call someone who wasn't answering. She had her purse and a small blue suitcase as her luggage.

Her p.o.v.

It's been almost 3 hours now, why isn't he here yet? Also he hasn't answered a single call or text of mine. I don't know why but my mind is getting clouded with a numerous unpleasant thoughts. I sat here in the bench and watch these happy lovebirds walk in and walk out married. It was about 2 in the noon , the register office was about to get closed when I received a text in my phone. I quickly opened my text box. It was a text from him and the message was " PLEASE DON'T WAIT FOR ME ANY LONGER, I AM SORRY BUT I CAN'T COME. NOT TODAY, NOT EVER. ITS BETTER FOR YOU TO FORGET ME AS BY THE TIME YOU WILL RECEIVE THIS MESSAGE I WILL BE LONG GONE FROM THIS COUNTRY AND PLEASE DON'T TRY TO CONTACT ME AND REMEMBER THAT I ALWAYS LOVE YOU BUT WE ARE NOT DESTINED TO BE TOGETHER .... BYE FOREVER". After I finished reading at first I thought it was one of those pranks he was playing on me trying to fool me so I called him again but his number was out of network area. I started breathing heavily the land beneath my feet just slipped away as I started to realize the truthfulness of the text. Tears rolled down automatically as I finally stood pulling my suitcase with one hand and slowly I started walking not sure of where I was actually heading too.

The weather started become dark, the clear and bright sky was now getting crowded with dark clouds, as if the nature was crying for her. The sky started pouring heavily. She walked lifelessly through the main road all soaked in the rain. A few vehicles get passed her horning loudly and asking her to walk through the footpaths but she didn't care and kept walking almost through the middle of the road. A black car is shown approaching behind her.

Inside the car approaching,

His p.o.v.

This is just the most awful day of my life. Firstly my meeting today was a disaster and then my driver didn't show up and I have to drive back home in this stormy weather and now my car headlights are also not working and it's dark and rainy for me to even see through the mirror without headlights. I just hope I reach home without any mishap. As I was occupied with my thoughts I didn't realize when suddenly a figure came in front of my car I did blow the horn out of reflex and horror but "THUD" came a sound as my car hit the figure and I stopped the car with a jerk. Without wasting a single minute I rushed out of the car to help. The road was quiet empty and no one was around. As I proceeded towards the figure in dark I realized that it's a women lying on the road, she wore a bridal lehenga which was weird because why would a bride be alone I a lonely road during this weather conditions. I slowly turned her face towards me and the scene itself horrified me. blood was oozing out of her head quiet badly and her lehenga blouse was almost soaked in blood. I patted her cheeks and tried waking her up but getting no response I picked her up in bridal style and put her in the backseat of the car and quickly grabbed her purse and suitcase and hurriedly drove to the nearest hospital without any further delay.

After 15 minutes the guy reached the hospital and carried her inside the hospital 

that's it for today guys!!!!

i hope you all liked my new story line

please do vote and comment also suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next part again tomorrow around 8 in the evening...... 

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers 

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