chapter 49

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Hi everyone!!! the next part is here.....I hope I don't disappoint anyone. please do vote and comment also suggestions are always welcome.......happy reading!!!!

///(p.s. I have a very long family trip upcoming starting from this Saturday, so that time I won't be uploading for quite a long time !!!!)///

Aly slowly moved his figure in a circular motion on her waist. Jasmin closed her eyes as she felt weak in her knees.

Aly: open your eyes - he huskily whispered in her ear

Jasmin twinkled her eyes slowly and looked at him shyly. They kept staring at each other deeply. Aly slowly leaned forward without breaking their eye contact. Jasmin kept staring at his deep eyes as if she was hypnotized by him. Aly's lips were now just about to touch hers. He slowly initiated to kiss her. At first the kiss was smooth and gentle but gradually it turned into a passionate and wide one. they both parted as they ran out of breath.

For a moment they were heavily panting. Jasmin swiftly ran inside the washroom to compose herself. Aly was confused by her move he wasn't sure as he thought that maybe Jasmin was feeling uncomfortable because of the kiss.

Inside the washroom.

Jasmin's p.o.v

After closing the washroom door I looked at myself in the mirror. My cheeks were no doubt red because of the kiss I just shared. I just can't believe this!!!! I just had the first kiss of my life that too with the person I love the most. My heart is beating soo rapidly that it could jump out any moment. But honestly, I loved the kiss. His lips locked in mine. It was just like those movies. God, I hope I am a good kisser!!! I wondered if he enjoyed the kiss as much as I did!!!! Anyways brushing off the thoughts I splashed some water on my face, composed myself, and went outside.

Aly's p.o.v

As soon as we departed from the kiss to grab some oxygen, Jasmin ran inside the washroom without uttering a single word. Shit!!!! Did I do something wrong? Did she feel uncomfortable because of the kiss? Maybe she didn't like it? but no!! she did kiss me back, right? maybe she wanted to hide her blush from me. I will ask her once she comes out. In the meantime, I just can't help but think of our hot and passionate kiss. This was my first kiss and I think I did pretty good. Her lips were soo juicy and red. I could feel the warmth inside her mouth as my tongue explored it. god, I want to kiss her again. My chain of thoughts broke as I hear the washroom door opening.

Aly: what happened? Is everything alright? - he asked worriedly

Jasmin: I am fine - she said looking down

Aly: why are you looking down what happened?

Jasmin: nothing - she said blushing lightly

Aly: I hope you are not uncomfortable

Jasmin: no, no!!! I absolutely loved it!!! - she spilled out without even realizing her words

Aly's face brightened up instantly and a smirk played in his lips

Aly: then let's do it again!!! - he said naughtily

Jasmin: what? No, we have to go down now - she said walking towards the door but Aly blocked her way.

Aly: didn't you like my kiss? - he said with a pout

Jasmin: yes, I did - she said shyly

Aly: then let's do it again!!!! - he said leaning forward but Jasmin pushed him away lightly and ran out of the room giggling.

Aly: wait, that's not fair - he said and ran behind her.

that's it for today guys!!!!

please do vote and comment, suggestions are always welcome

I will update the next part again tomorrow.....

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers.

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