chapter 13

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Hi everyone!!!!!! the next chapter is here.......i hope i don't disappoint anyone as the story is completely imaginary. Do vote and comment as it really encourages me also suggestions are always welcome......happy reading!!!!

////(p.s. as my semester exams are coming up from next month end and i have literally not studied anything so i will be posting only one chapter each day and no weekend bonus chapters until my semester ends)///

 They reached a ice cream seller

Jasmin: do you have some ice? – she asked the seller

Ice cream man: yes, here – he gave a ice cube to Jasmin

Jasmin applied the ice on his swollen area

Jasmin: it's done

Guy: thank you

Jasmin: it's my mistake only so sorry

Guy: I told you already its OK, by the way would you like to have an ice cream?

Jasmin: actually ....

Guy: please don't say no!!! its just an ice cream – he insisted

Jasmin: fine – she finally gave in

Guy: which flavor?

Jasmin: chocolate

The guy ordered two chocolate ice cream and they started eating sitting in the nearby bench

Guy: by the way may I know your name

Jasmin: my name is Jasmin , what's yours?

Guy: my name is Arijit

They both passed a smile to each other

Jasmin: do you come here everyday for yoga?

Arijit: yes, I come here quiet often!!! Why?

Jasmin: you are soo lucky

Arijit: what's lucky in doing yoga?

Jasmin: you are lucky because you can come here everyday whenever you want

Arijit: why? Are your parents too strict to let you out alone?

Jasmin became a bit sad when she heard about parents

Arijit: what happened did I say anything wrong? – he asked concerned

Jasmin: I don't have any parents – she said with a sad tone

Arijit: I am sorry. I didn't mean to upset you

Jasmin: anyways thanks for the treat. It was really nice meeting you – she said finishing her ice cream

Arijit: it was nice to meet you too!!! So are we friends now? – he asked forwarding his hand for a handshake

Jasmin thoughts for a while

Jasmin: friends – she happily shook hands with him

Arijit: by the way where do you live?

Jasmin: "angle orphanage home"

Arijit: the orphanage near the city mall?

Jasmin: yes!!! But do you know anyone there or what? – she asked confused

Arijit: actually my company quiet often donates there so I know

Jasmin: I see

Arijit: by the way have you thought about doing a job somewhere?

Jasmin: actually I want to but I don't have much qualifications

Arijit: leave that to me – he said softly which Jasmin couldn't hear

Jasmin: anyways I should get going now , my friends are calling me

Arijit: yah sure, hope to see you soon Jas - he said waving at her

Jasmin: Jas???

Arijit: sorry, I thought that now that we are friends we can give each other nick names – he said sheepishly

Jasmin: OK!!! Jas, I like that – she said smiling and left

Flashback ends

Jasmin: so that's all – she said blushingly looking at Aly once again

Disha: it's so cute – she said with an "aww" face

Aly: we all should finish the food fast or else the food will be cold – he said diverting the topic

Everyone finished their dinner quietly

Rahul: today's dinner was very delicious !!!!

Disha: did you guys change the cook ?

Aly: she made the dinner today

Jasmin smiled at them 

that's it for today guys!!!!

please do vote and comment also suggestions are always 

i will update the next part again tomorrow....

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers.

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