chapter 6

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Hi everyone!!!! the next chapter is here.....i hope i don't disappoint anyone as the ff is completely my imagination any resemblance to the real world is completely coincidental. Do vote and comment as it really encourages me also suggestions are always welcome.....happy reading!!!!!

////(p.s. guys please check out these new Jasly fan fictions....

1. ROOMATES by Jasly_Jaans and 2. ARRANGE MARRIAGE TO MY CRUSH by @victanessy )////

 Aly: I suggest we take her home first and see how much does she remember and then we can decide what to do and what not to do

Rahul: OK then, I am going to see the doctor and take about her discharge you stay with her here

Aly nodded and entered the cabin while Rahul left

Aly's p.o.v

It's strange. I only met her yesterday but I feel like I can fight against the world for her. Right now as I look at her peaceful sleeping face, I feel my heart I calm and composed. There is something constantly attracting myself towards her. " Jasmin" what a beautiful name. also I can't stop myself from thinking about her words when she called me " love" her love..... I know it is wrong but deep down I wished what she was telling were true and i really was "her love" but reality is different and I can't feel like that for her. I am go insane now I want her and I don't want her at the same time.....

Aly's trench of thoughts broke as Rahul patted his shoulder

Rahul: where are you lost bro? I have been calling you for quiet a while

Aly: nothing, I was just thinking..... – he said still lost in her angelic face

Rahul: seems like some one is struck by the cupids arrow – he said chuckling

Aly: hmm – he said dreamily

Rahul: what? So you agree!!!! – he said hitting Aly's shoulder

Aly: what? No are you mad I just want her to recover soon – he said covering up

Rahul: oh!!! I see, by the way the doctor said she can be discharged today evening only if we take proper care of her

Aly: I will take full care of care after all she is my responsibility now – he said in one go but soon realized what he said while Rahul was looking at him with a raised eyebrow

Aly: until she recovers – he said sheepishly

Rahul: that's better – he said teasingly

Aly: you go home now and tell the servants to clean up my room so that she can stay comfortably – he said without making eye contact with Rahul

Rahul: oho!!! Then where will you sleep? – he asked wondering

Aly: with you – he said innocently

Rahul: no!!!! never, you sleep in the guest room – he said deafeningly

Aly: you are abandoning me now? for whom huh? – he said with a puppy face

Rahul: fine, don't be dramatic now. you can stay in my room

Aly: so you go home and make all arrangements I will take her home in the evening

Rahul: take care bro, bye!!! – he said and left

Around 3 in the noon Jasmin woke up

She opened her eyes and saw Aly sleeping sitting on the stool beside her while his head rested on the bed

Jasmin's p.o.v

As I open my eyes slowly, I see him sleeping on the tool with his head resting on the edge of the bed. I must admit he looks too handsome even when he sleeps. I tried to ruffle his hair with my fingers but I simply could not raise my hand. I felt too weak but somehow with a lot of efforts I managed to finally place my palm on his hair. Slowly I started ruffling it. My heart felt complete right now as if his presence made me at peace. I just couldn't stop adoring his innocently handsome face. But then I remembered something, I had forgotten his name. I tried recalling but I couldn't. I felt bad as if I was betraying him. I mean how shameful it is of me to forget the name of the person I love. A few tear drops rolled down my eyes and I sniffed. I don't know if I had sniffed a bit too loudly but I saw him waking up

Aly woke up rubbing his eyes and the moment he saw tears in her eyes he was distressed 

Aly: what happened why are you crying? Is it paining again? Why didn't you wake me up – he asked everything in one go

Jasmin: uhh!!! Actually I am sad – she said like a cute baby

Aly: why? – he asked responsively 

that's it for today guys!!!! 

please do vote and comment your views on this chapter also suggestions are always welcome

i will upload the part again tomorrow....

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers.

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