chapter 17

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Hi everyone!!!! the next chapter is here..... i hope i don't disappoint anyone as this story is completely imaginary. Do vote and comment as it really encourages me also suggestions are always welcome.......happy reading!!!!!

///(p.s. tell me your  favorite itv couple other than JasLy )///

Rahul dragged Aly inside the study room and closed the door with a bang.

Rahul: what's up with you Aly? – he said in a serious tone

Aly: what? – he tried to show like that nothing happened

Rahul: stop pretending bro!!!! you know what Jasmin is talking about right?

Aly: no, .... No – he stammered to speak but Rahul cut him in between

Rahul: just cut the crap Aly please, you know that guy she saw in her dreams right? – he almost screamed

Aly was numb and he was constantly looking here and there

Rahul: look at me bro – he made Aly look at him

Aly's eyes were telling it all. His eyes were scared, scared to loose her.

Rahul: what happened Aly? What are you scared of? – he asked a concerned

Aly: I checked the first few pages of her diary

Rahul: without her permission? – he asked widening his eyes

Aly just nodded positively

Rahul: and how did you know about the guy?

Aly: I found a picture of her and the guy together

Rahul: what? And you didn't even tell me!!!!

Aly: well, I wanted to tell you but I knew you would react and then today morning this happened – he said hoping that Rahul will understand

Rahul: show me the picture

Aly grabbed her diary from the table and took out the photograph and handed it over to Rahul

Rahul closely checked the picture

Rahul: hmm... anyways at least now we have a picture of someone whom we can contact to know about her past life

Aly: yes , yes – he said looking out of the window emotionally

Rahul: I will see what information I can gather about this guy – he said leaving with the photograph when suddenly Aly forcefully grabbed his hand stopping him from leaving. Rahul turned and saw Aly having moist eyes.

Rahul: Aly, are you alright?

Aly: Rahul, I ... I don't want.... . – he couldn't complete his sentence

Rahul: tell me .... – he almost guessed what Aly was trying to say but still he wanted to hear it from Aly

Aly: I don't want to lose her – he said in one go and looked at the floor as if waiting for Rahul to scold him.

But to his surprise Rahul chuckled lightly and gave him a tight hug. Aly was soo confused that he didn't even reciprocate the hug. Rahul patted his shoulders breaking the hug.

Rahul: I am so happy for you bro – he said happily

Aly: wait!!! You are not mad? – he asked unclear

Rahul: of course not finally you are thinking about yourself. I am very happy. We should tell this to Disha too

Aly: but don't you think it's wrong. I mean she deserves to know the truth and moreover she is misunderstanding me to be someone else. Someone she truly loves.... – he said with a dull face.

Rahul: she will love you for the person you are Aly just give her some time and we don't know what really happened between the guy and her. So think positive and I am telling you Aly always do what your heart wants and not what mind says.

Aly: ok

Rahul: come lets go and see how is she

They both were going towards Jasmin's room when they heard Jasmin and Disha giggling downstairs. Aly and Rahul went downstairs and found playing car racing game in the play station. 

Jasmin: and I win again – she jumping in excitement

Disha: this game is soo boring – she said with a cute annoyed pout face.

Rahul: Disha don't tell me you lost from her too

Aly: we both gave you hours of training still you show now progress – they both high five and burst out laughing

Disha: you both!!! – she glared them and started throwing the sofa cushions at them

Jasmin laughed at them.

Rahul: hit us as much as you want but you can never win for us, right bro?

Aly: absolutely!!! By the way Jas how are you feeling now?

Jasmin: better, but you two stop disturbing her – she said warning them and Disha hugged her cutely

Disha: you are my true friend Jas – she said with a baby voice

Jasmin: I know – she replied back with a baby voice

Rahul: if you guys are done with your bff romance can we have lunch now?

Aly : yes please, I didn't even get the chance to do breakfast and now I am starving

Jasmin: what? You didn't have anything

Aly: no

Jasmin: come lets have lunch then

Everyone sat down to have lunch

Aly and Rahul were concentrating to eat while Jasmin and Disha were discussing something very quietly

Disha: you tell them – she said whispering

Jasmin: you tell – she whispered back

Disha: why me ? it's your idea you tell – she whispered

Jasmin: it's our idea , you tell – she whispered

Disha: but you suggested – she whispered

Jasmin: but they are your friends they will listen to you more – she whispered

Disha: was that sarcasm? – she whispered

Jasmin: please Dishu , you tell – she whispered sweetly

Disha: no Jas , you tell – she whispered

Jasmin: you tell

Disha: you tell

Jasmin and Disha continued this " you tell" argument for a while unknown of the fact that two pair of eyes were looking at them doubtfully

Aly: what are you guys discussing?

They both looked at them as if they are caught in some crime.

that's it for today guys!!!!!

Please do vote and comment also suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next part again tomorrow....

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers.

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