chapter 28

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Hi everyone!!!!! the next chapter is here..... i hope i don't disappoint anyone as the story is completely imaginary. Do vote and comment as it really encourages me also suggestions are always welcome....happy reading!!!!!

///(p.s. many of you have guessed the person correctly!!!!!)///

They reached the ground floor and Aly was soo shocked and scared Rahul literally had to drag him all the way to their car in the parking area. Rahul speedily drove back home along with Aly, who was sitting on the front passenger seat engrossed in his own thoughts

Rahul: did you know that she was coming? – he asked looking at Aly

Getting no response from him, Rahul again spoke up

Rahul: Aly!!!! Answer me...

Aly: huh? What.. what?

Rahul: did you know she was coming?

Aly: no

Rahul: did you think what will you tell her about Jasmin?

Aly: I will tell her whatever is true!!!

Rahul: are you sure? I mean how will she react?

Aly: honestly speaking I love Jasmin and I can't leave her I am sure she will understand.

Rahul: hmm... let's hope for the best – he said entering their house gate.

Rahul abruptly parked the car in the parking area and both of them got down of the car.

Rahul: all the best bro

Aly: thanks bro, I really need it today!!! – saying this both of the went towards the main door.

The main door was wide open. Aly stood on the doorstep and looked inside at the person

Aly: mom!!! – he said like a scared kid

The person turned around and looked towards the door. Rahul was standing just behind Aly, secretly crossing his fingers and praying for his bro.

The person was Ruby Aly's mom

Aly: it's so nice to see you mom!!!! – he walked towards her and tried hugging her.

Ruby: we have a lot to talk about – he said stopping him from hugging her

Aly looked behind her, Jasmin and Disha were sitting on the sofa and they too looked at him with a scared expression.

Aly: but mom..... – he was about to say something but his mom cut in between

Ruby: now Aly – she said angrily and moved inside the nearest room, Aly had no other choice but to follow her instructions.

They both entered the room and Aly closed the door.

Rahul ran and sat beside Disha and Jasmin

Rahul: couldn't you handle her? – he questions Disha

Disha: I wish I could...

Rahul: what were you doing?

Disha: I went to the nearby store to buy some paneer

Rahul: what?? Paneer??? – he gave a weird look

Jasmin: yes for today's lunch – she said giving a foolish smile

Rahul: well, now aunty will make our paneer!!!! – he said chuckling sarcastically

Disha and Jasmin gulped in fear hearing Rahul's statement

Disha: guys, let's be positive

Jasmin: yes... yes

Rahul: you both have no idea how much protective aunty is when it comes to Aly

Disha: stop scaring us Rahul – she said a bit angrily

Jasmin was thinking something. 

that's it for today guys!!!!

please do vote and comment, suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next part as soon as possible....

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers.

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