chapter 20

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HI everyone!!!! the next chapter is here......i hope i don't disappoint anyone as its my first ff please forgive me if i make any mistakes. do vote and comment as it really encourages me also suggestions are always welcome.....happy reading!!!!

///(p.s. sorry for this small chapter)///

Rahul noticed that Aly was in a happy mood

Rahul: you seem to be very happy

Aly: yes, I am

Rahul: and if I am not wrong the reason is Jasmin

Aly: obviously, I mean now I can impress her in my style – he said winking

Rahul: right!!!! so what's the plan?

Aly: nothing, I will do whatever she says and I will never say no to anything she asked me to do

Rahul: anything? – he asked smirking

Aly: yes... anything!!! – he said winking

They were chatting about random things and in the mean time Disha and Jasmin returned with popcorn , chips and some other munchies with coke.

There were two rows of sofa seats and each row contained two seats

Rahul and Disha sat down on the first row followed by Aly and Jasmin in the second row. The movie began, Jasmin's eyes were fixed on the screen while Aly just kept staring at her happy face.

Jasmin: don't you want to watch the movie? – she whispered to him keeping her eyes fixed on the screen

Aly: I am watching – he said still staring at her without even blinking

Jasmin: you can see the movie in my face? – she asked turning towards him

Aly: no!!!

Jasmin: then? Look at the screen its such a funny movie

Aly: you watch the movie and let me do my work

Jasmin rolled her eyes cutely and turned towards the screen again. A comedy scene was going on and Jasmin couldn't stop but laugh out loud. Aly too smiled widely as he saw her bright smiley face. The movie ended and no one had dinner as they had a lot of snacks so they directly went to bed

Jasmin entered her room followed by Aly

Aly: here have these medicines

Jasmin: love, when will you do 'kalyanam' with me ?

Aly: 'kalya...' what? – he asked confused

Jasmin: ' kalyanam'

Aly: what's that?

Jasmin: when will you marry me?

Aly: super soon you just get well soon. In fact now even I can't wait to marry you

Jasmin: really!!!! Yay!!!! – she said excited

Aly: also I was thinking that if it is ok for you that I shift in this room with you

Jasmin: of course !!!! that means I can hug you and sleep even at night

Aly: I am all yours Jas you can hug me anytime

Jasmin hugged him tightly and this time Aly hugged her back with equal efforts.

Aly: what's the matter Jas? – he asked her softly as he felt his t-shirt getting wet 

Jasmin: you know I was worried for the past few days. I didn't understand why you had been acting weirdly with me after my accident. I was starting to fear that now maybe you have stopped feeling me and I was so scared. But now I feel so happy. I love you, I love you soo much. – she said sobbing quietly

Aly: look at me Jas – he slowly lifted up her chin and made her look at him

Aly: firstly I can never stop loving you and I was acting weird lately because I thought not to stress you with anything. Actually earlier I didn't show my true self to you, so I was scared that what if you don't like me as a person I really am!!! But now I know I can't live without you and I know you too can't live without me. so I promise you I will never hurt you again now please stop crying and smile because I love you forever – he said kissing her forehead

Jasmin: I will always love you – she said again hugging him

Aly: I love you, now let's sleep it's very late – he said hugging her back

They went to bed and cuddled and slept happily.

that's it for today guys!!!!

please do vote and comment, suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next part again tomorrow.....

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers. 

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