chapter 34

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Hi everyone!!!! the next chapter is here......i hope i don't disappoint anyone as the story line is imaginary. do vote and comment as it really encourages me, suggestions are always welcome......happy reading!!!!!

///(p.s. will destiny play it's cards again and Aly will loose Jasmin?)///

Aly looked at his left to look at Jasmin but when he didn't found her , he turned around

Aly: what happened Jas? – he asked concerned

Jasmin: are you ignoring me? – she asked  being upset

Aly: no Jas

Jasmin: but....... you don't like me in this dress, right? – she said clutching her dress tightly with her hands

Aly: what? No? why would you think that? – he questioned puzzled

Jasmin: because you didn't even complement me for once – she said looking down

Aly hugged her tightly and she hugged him back

Aly: you look the prettiest Jas , just like a doll, a cute and hot and sexy doll. In fact you are my doll

Jasmin: really? – she said looking up at him

Aly: yes my doll – he said softly pecking her cheeks

Jasmin: but then why didn't you tell me before?

Aly: because I didn't know how to complement , I was soo awestruck that I was out of words

Jasmin: honestly I am feeling a little conscious wearing this dress

Aly: and I did notice that in the first place only

Jasmin: and right now everyone is looking at me – she said looking around a few random guys were looking at her lustfully

Aly glared them angrily and those guys left from there

Aly: let's move inside – he pulled her close to him protectively and moved inside the restaurant

They entered and looked around and found Rahul waving at them from a distance table. Aly and Jasmin joined them and settled down

Rahul: where were you guys?

Disha: yah we have been waiting for you both

Aly: nothing we were just coming only

Rahul: I see – he said giving a teasing look to Aly

Jasmin blushed at this lightly

Aly: lets order , I am starving – he said changing the topic

Rahul: I thought you aren't hungry anymore – he said again teasingly

Disha: tell me everything!!!!! – she whispered to Jasmin

Jasmin: later on – she whispered back blushingly

Disha: I will be waiting.... – she teased back

Rahul: ladies if you have done whispering can we order now

Disha: sure

Jasmin: I want Hakka noodles - she said gulping testily 

Rahul: we know that already!!! i am want dal makhni and butter naan 

Disha: me too

Aly: i will have shezwan rice with Manchurian gravy 

They ordered their food and started having while chit chatting with each other . after finishing their food they came out of the restaurant around 10 pm

Aly: you both wait here , I am Rahul will bring the car

Disha and Jasmin were waiting for them

Disha: shit, how did the gravy fall on my dress

Jasmin: I think you should wash it and come

Disha: but will you be able to stand here alone?

Jasmin: yes, no problem. You go and clean up fast before they come back with car

Disha: ok, you wait here – she said going inside the restaurant again

Aly and Rahul came with their car and stopped where they had asked the ladies to wait. They saw Disha coming out of the restaurant

Rahul: let's go then?

Disha: yup

Aly: wait....where's Jasmin?

Disha: what? Isn't she here?

Rahul: with us? No!!!!

Aly: Disha she was standing here with you

Disha: yah but then I saw a gravy stain on my dress so I went inside to clean it

Aly: you could have taken her with you

Disha: she said she will wait here

Rahul: guys let's look around, she will be somewhere near only

Aly: Jasmin......Jasmin.... . – he worriedly started searching her everywhere

Rahul and Disha were getting tensed and they also started looking for her everywhere

Aly was getting  restless and mad with every passing minute. 

that's it for today guys!!!!! what do you think will happen now?

please do vote and comment, suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next part whenever possible.......

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers.

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