chapter 9

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Hi everyone!!!!!! the next chapter is here.....i hope i don't disappoint anyone as it is completely my imagination. Do vote and comment as it really encourages me also suggestions are always welcome.....happy reading!!!!!

///( follow me on ig my id is  j_a_s_l_y_love)////

Jasmin: I am here – came her soft voice from a distance

Aly: where? – he screamed looking around desperately

Jasmin: in the kitchen

Aly: I absolutely missed out the kitchen – he thought to himself and went inside the kitchen

He was hell angry when he saw her cooking

Aly: what are you doing here? – he asked a bit angrily

Jasmin: cooking – she said continuing her work with full attention

Aly: but why? Where are the servants? – he said furiously looking around

Jasmin: I have send them home

Aly: you did what? – he asked unbelieving

Jasmin: I send them home – she said giggling cutely

Aly: and what about dinner?

Jasmin: I am here so no fear – she said winking

Aly: not acceptable, you should be resting now – he said nodding his head negatively

Jasmin: it's almost done

Aly: but you really don't need to do all these now Jas, take some rest please

Jasmin: I am bored after resting so much and don't worry love I am fine now

Aly: but...

Jasmin: please love, you know how much I like cooking specially for you – she said sweetly which Aly couldn't deny

Aly: OK fine, but I will stand here until you are done – he said authoritatively

Jasmin: fine, here taste this I made your favourite butter chicken – she forwarded a spoon of butter chicken gravy

Aly : mmmmm .... It's heavenly – he said tasting it

Jasmin: thank you – she said excited

Aly: what more have you made that I can taste – he said drooling

Jasmin: look on the kitchen counter I have kept dal makhni just a minutes back

Aly took a spoon and stuffed his mouth but screamed in pain spitting out the dal back in the spoon

Aly: aahhhhhh!!!! – he screamed with horror

Jasmin: careful, it's hot – she rushed to him worriedly and started rubbing his back

Aly was in too much pain, Jasmin took a cold water bottle from the fridge and poured cold water and gave him to drink

Jasmin: drink up slowly – she said caring

Aly gulped the whole water in one sip and started panting

Jasmin: it's OK love I am here for you – she said gently

Aly: It hurts – he said in pain

Jasmin: I know love, you sit here first – she directed him to sit on the kitchen top and Aly obeyed

Jasmin: now let me have a look at the tongue

 Aly opened his tongue out and indeed his tongue had a small burn

Jasmin: yup, it's a burn I can see it – she said closely examining his tongue closely

Aly: what now? – he asked scared

Jasmin: don't worry I can fix it right away

Aly looked at her confused

Jasmin opened a shelf and grabbed something in a bowl

Aly: what's that?

Jasmin: salt

Aly: what? – he stood up from his place alarmed

Jasmin: come I will apply it and you will feel better

Aly: no, no , no , I am absolutely fine now – he said hesitating

Jasmin: don't be scared now, it won't hurt at all

Aly: please Jas I am fine – he started taking a few steps back

Jasmin: nothing will happen love – she said taking a few steps forward

Aly was hell scared and again he took a few steps back but Jasmin also didn't leave him, she was determined. They heard the main door opening and Aly somehow managed to run from her but Jasmin ran behind him 

that's it for today guys!!!!!

please do vote and comment also suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next part again tomorrow....

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers.

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