chapter 41

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Hi everyone!!!! the next chapter is here.....i hope i don't disappoint anyone as the story line is completely imaginary. Do vote and comment as it really encourages me also suggestions are always welcome......happy reading!!!!

///(p.s. guess the new person !!!!!)///

Their car entered a two story building and stopped.

Disha: here we are!!!!!

Jasmin: this is your office? – she said looking at the building widening her eyes

Disha: yes. Let's go inside – she stepped inside and all the staff members greeted them both

Disha: hi everyone!!! This is Jasmin

Everyone: hello mam – they greeted Jasmin

Disha: she is my family so behave with her like you behave with me – she announced glaring a few male employees drooling at her

Male staffs: yes mam!!! Yes mam!!! – they said bowing their head down

Disha: Jas I will show you around!!! – she gave a tour of her luxurious office.

Jasmin: it's amazing!!!!! – she exclaimed amazed by everything

Disha: let's sit in my cabin

They entered Disha's cabin that had blue and white interiors. In one corner of the room a few dressed were kept hanging on the stand.

They both settled down just then someone knows the door

Disha: come in

PA: good morning mam. Good morning!!! – she said looking and Jasmin

Disha: good morning Daisy. This is Jasmin my family cum sister

Jasmin: good morning Daisy

Daisy: good morning Jasmin mam

Disha: Jas would you like to have some coffee or tea?

Jasmin: coffee with a lot of sugar

Disha: Daisy get us both two cups of coffee and in one a lot of sugar – she said smiling at Jasmin

Daisy: I will bring it right away mam!!!! – she left the cabin

Disha: soo tell me

Jasmin: everything is just soo perfect!!!! I that your new collection? – she asked excitedly walking towards the stand of dress hanger

Disha: yes, I have to finalise them after making the required changes!!!

Jasmin: that's soo much fun!!! – she said checking out the dresses

Disha: that's no fun at all that's a lot of work, work and work!!!! – she said exhausted

Jasmin: hmm.... This dress a little too much sparkles on the borders. I think it will look better with a little less sparkles – she said holding a grey gown in her hand

Disha: where? Let me see – Jasmin handed her the gown and Disha looked at it attentively for a while

Disha: hmm.... You are right!!!! it looks a little over the top!!!! I will ask Daisy to send it for changes.

Jasmin: yah just a little less of those sparkles and the dress will rock the floor!!!!

Disha: well I must admit you are really good at this!!!!!

Jasmin: thanks

Disha: how about you help with finalizing all these dresses then we can finish it early and you won't be bored too!!!!!

Jasmin: I ????? how can I help you Disha!!!! I mean I have never done all these.... . – she said hesitating

Disha: of course you can and don't worry I am here with you!!!! Please Jas help me please – she said with puppy eyes

Jasmin: if you are insisting soo much then fine!!! I will help you

Disha: you are the best Jas!!!! – she hugged her

Jasmin: yah I know – she said hugging back

The door knocks

Disha: come in

Daisy: mam your coffee!!!

Disha: yah keep them

Daisy: the black cup has less sugar

Disha: go and bring your diary. We will begin our finalizing in fifteen minutes

Disha: sure mam – she left

They enjoyed their coffee talking and laughing with each other. Then they started their work and continued working for two hours straight.

In lunch time

Daisy: mam it's lunch time now

Disha: ok go and have your lunch and come then we will again continue

Jasmin: Disha..... actually I am also feeling very hungry

Disha: I know miss foodie let's go and grab our lunch in the canteen

Jasmin: let's goo

They ordered two burgers and garlic bread sticks for themselves and settled down on a table to eat

" hello Ladies" – came a manly voice.

that's it for today guys!!!!

guess this person!!!

please do vote and comment, suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next part as soon as possible.....

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers. 

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