chapter 29

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Hi everyone!!!! the next chapter is here..... i hope i don't disappoint anyone as the story is completely imaginary. do vote and comment as it really encourages me also suggestions are always welcome....happy reading!!!!

///(p.s. sad news my  internal exam starts this Thursday!!!!)///

Jasmin: I am confused!!!!! – she said thinking

Rahul: about what?

Jasmin: I remember Aly telling me that he spoke to his mom about us and he said she was happy with our relationship.

Disha and Rahul understood she was again remembering about the guy who she dated earlier so they quickly changed the topic .

Rahul: yah!!! But he only talked to her saying that you are his girl friend

Disha: yes...yes, he didn't mention about the marriage to aunty maybe that's why she is angry

Jasmin: yah!! Right

They were talking all these when they heard the door opening sound and the trio looked towards the room.

Aly walked out of the room first with a controlled expression. Rahul asked him through his eyes that what happened? Aly signalled him with his eyes a sigh of relief and Rahul too felt as if big stone is removed from his chest. Aly's mom to came out of the room and went to Jasmin. Seeing Aly's mom coming Jasmin stood up from her place. Rahul and Disha too stood up and stood beside Aly. Disha slowly asked Aly what happened and he nodded his head positively, she was very happy with the news.

Aly's mom hugged Jasmin which was shocking for her but she did reciprocate the hug.

Ruby: I am soo have that Aly choose you – she said breaking the hug

Jasmin just smiled not knowing what to reply.

Ruby: I know you been through a lot lately but now you don't need to worry I will myself get you both married – she said cherishing her face lovingly

Jasmin: thank you aunty

Ruby: don't say thank you. I am so lucky to have a daughter- in-law like you

Jasmin bent down and took her blessings.

Ruby: always stay happy – she blessed her

Rahul: finally, all is well

Ruby: you are my secret spy right!!!! then why didn't you tell me anything about all these – she said holding Rahul's ear

Aly: what Rahul? You are her spy?????

Rahul: ouch aunty!!!! Leave me please.... I was about to tell you – he said trying to free himself

Aly: no mom, don't leave him. you deserve a good beating – he said encouraging his mom

Disha: yes aunty don't leave him today. He always irritates me – she also started taking Aly's side.

Rahul: please my ear will tear off now – he said dramatically crying

Ruby: this is the last time I am sparing you – she said laughing

Rahul: thank god my ear is still in its place and not torn apart – he sighed in relief and the others burst out laughing

Aly: mom, you must be tired. It's better you take some rest and freshen up and then we all can have lunch together.

Ruby: yes, I will take some rest now

Aly: come I will take your luggage to your room – he picked up the suitcase went upstairs followed by his mom . Jasmin and Disha went to the kitchen to prepare the rest of lunch 

that's it for today guys!!!!

as promised no suspense at the end of the chapter!!!!!

please do vote and comment, suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next chapter as soon as possible....

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers.

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