chapter 42

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Hi everyone!!! the next chapter is here....i hope i don't disappoint anyone as the story line is completely imaginary. Do vote and comment also suggestions are always welcome....happy reading!!!

///(p.s. i am sure you all won't like this new character first but after a few chapters i am sure you guys will love this new character)///

Disha: you!!!! It's soo nice to see you!!!! – she said hugging him tightly

Guy: I know !!! I know!!!! And who is this miss beautiful?

Disha: Ooo!!!! I forgot to introduce you guys!!! Jasmin meet my cousin brother Rishav and Rishav this is Jasmin Aly's girlfriend

Jasmin: hello nice to meet you Rishav

Rishav: the pleasures all mine!!!! – he said flirtingly

Disha: stop flirting bro she is Aly's

Rishav: well I must say Aly got a choice !!!!

Disha: what are you doing here anyways?

Rishav: well I am here in town for some work so I thought of dropping in a visit

Disha: for how many days?

Rishav: two whole weeks!!!!

Disha: and I assume you are staying in hotel?

Rishav: do I have any option?

Disha: yes you do and I don't want any further arguments you will stay in our house for two weeks

Rishav: ok. I will be more than happy to if others don't mind!!!! – he said looking at Jasmin

Jasmin: we will be happy to have you in our house

Disha: great then we can go once my work is done

Rishav: sure even I have an meting right now

Disha: here???

Rishav: yes!!!

Disha: with whom?

Rishav: isn't your company looking for sponsorship for their upcoming fashion show?

Disha: yes we are

Rishav: so here I am!!!! Your sponsor – he said bowing down like a gentlemen

Disha: really!!!!

Rishav: yup!!!

Disha: this great

Daisy interrupts their conversation

Daisy: mam you have an urgent conference to attend with the fashion shown committee

Disha: what now???

Daisy: yes mam actually they announced it suddenly

Disha: can't you attend on my behalf?

Daisy: no mam it's an important meeting and all the designers must join compulsorily

Disha: fine... I am coming

Rishav: duty calls?

Disha: yup

Rishav: I thought you will give me a tour of your super deluxe office

Disha: someone can still give you a tour – saying this she turned at Jasmin who was munching her food with full concentration

Disha: Jasmin will give you company

Jasmin: what? Me? – she stopped munching her food

Disha: yes you

Jasmin: but how can..... I just came here today

Disha: I know you can do it Jas

Rishav: yes Jasmin it will be fun

Disha: please Jas

Jasmin: ok!!!! I will show him around

Disha: thanks soo much. I will meet you guys inside my cabin. I got to go one....bye – she left

Rishav who was standing until now pulled Disha's chair and sat down beside Jasmin. He took Disha's plate of food in front of him and took a big bite of the burger. Jasmin was quietly finishing her garlic bread sticks , looked at him weirdly

Rishav: what?

Jasmin: that was Disha's plate

Rishav: yes!!! So?

Jasmin: it's her left over food!!!! You could have ordered one for yourself

Rishav: but the burger was untouched and being a foodie I can't just waste food like that – he said taking another bite

Jasmin: hmm you got a point.

Rishav: and moreover we are kind of siblings so it's alright

Jasmin: you know even I am a huge foodie!!!

Rishav: really!!!! What your favourite?

Jasmin: dahi mutton and butter naan – she said licking her tongue

Rishav: then you must try my hand cooked mutton once. I am sure you will be flattered!!! 

that's it for today guys!!!

please do vote and comment, suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next chapter as soon as possible

till then bye!!!

JasLy Lovers.

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