chapter 22

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Hi everyone!!!! the next chapter of Unsaid Feelings is here......i hope i don't disappoint anyone as the story line is completely imaginary. Do vote and comment as it really encourages me also suggestions are always welcome......happy reading!!!!

///(p.s. how impatiently were you waiting for a new chapter in this ff ? let me know in the comments)///

It was around mid-night when suddenly Aly felt someone kicked him and when he opened his eyes he found himself on the floor.

Aly: ahhhh – he said sitting up rubbing his back

He turned towards Jasmin who was blabbering in her sleep. Her leg was on his side of the bed so Aly understood that Jasmin was the one to kick him.

Aly: Jas? Jas... . – he sat up in bed and started waking her up. After 10 minutes of continues trying finally Jasmin woke up

Jasmin: what happened love? – she woke up rubbing her eyes

Aly: Jas you were blabbering in your sleep and then... then you... . – he paused

Jasmin: then?

Aly: then you suddenly kicked me hard and I fell from the bed

Jasmin: I did what?

Aly: kick me out of the bed

Jasmin: I am sorry love actually I have a very bad habit to kick in my sleep. Are you hurt? Show me

Aly: I am gone thank god I was sleeping facing the other side otherwise we should have lost all hope of having kinds by now ( he murmured to himself)

Jasmin: did you say something?

Aly: no, no, not at all . I said nothing. I am absolutely fine. – he replied hesitatingly

Jasmin: come sleep now, I promise I won't kick

Aly: No !!!! – he said loudly

Jasmin looked at him questioningly

Aly: I mean I want to drink some water first – he took the glass of water from the side table and gulped in the whole glass in one go

Jasmin: now let's sleep – she said lying down

Aly: ummm... you sleep I need to go to the washroom urgently – he said trying to make up excuses so that he doesn't get kicked again

Jasmin: are you trying to ignore me love? I promise I won't kick again

Aly: what? Ignore you? No Jas , I have to go to the washroom you sleep – he started walking towards the washroom and paused just before entering

Aly: you sleep and don't wait for me to come back ok it will take some time for me – he rushed in the washroom without waiting for Jasmin's reply

Jasmin's p.o.v

I am sure he is scared to sleep beside me because I kicked him soo hard. He did say that he was fine but his expressions were clearly indicating that he was super frightened. I hope he isn't hurt much. I am soo careless I should have told about my habit before only. Tomorrow morning I will properly say sorry to him again.

Jasmin fell asleep thinking about it while Aly was peeping through the washroom door impatiently waiting for Jasmin to fall asleep. Finally when she was asleep he tip toed inside the room quietly

Aly's p.o.v

Finally she is asleep. But tonight I can't sleep on the bed beside her. God I will be constantly worried about what might happen to me next and if by any chance while in my sleep I face towards her and she kicks that time only!!! No ,No, No , I can't risk our future. I want to have a family with her. But then what should I do? Where will I sleep!!!! If I go to Rahul then I am sure he will surely kick me out for disturbing me and moreover if I tell him what happened he will keep no stones unturned to tease me . I have to sleep here only. Looks like I have no other option to left but to sleep in the couch itself.

Aly picked his pillow from the bed and went to sleep in the couch for the rest of the night 

Next morning

Aly woke up before everyone as he wasn't able to sleep properly on the couch. His eyes were a bit puffed because of less sleep. He went to their gym room and started working out.

Around 7 Disha and Rahul came down and saw Aly drinking juice sitting on the sofa 

that's it for today guys!!!! 

please do vote and comment, suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next part as soon as possible....

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers.

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