chapter 33

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Hi everyone!!!!! the next chapter is here......i hope i don't disappoint anyone as the story line is completely imaginary. Do vote and comment as it really encourages me also suggestions are always welcome.....happy reading!!!!

///(p.s. check out  the new ff "HAPPY FAMILY" by @vedika_2530)///

In at around 8:15 Aly and Rahul came downstairs ready for their dinner outing but they were amazed to see Jasmin and Disha already sitting in the sofa waiting for them to come.

Disha: there they are – she said looking at the stairs

Jasmin: you guys are late – she said standing up from her place and Aly was dazzled to she her dressed so differently

Jasmin was wearing a short black body-con dress. The dress exposed her milky smooth legs and the dress was complementing her perfectly curvy body

Aly almost tripped down the last few steps of the stairs but thankfully Rahul held him from falling down in the right time, saving him from any injury

Rahul: careful bro – he said smirking

Jasmin blushed lightly

Disha: let's go guys

Rahul: waw you look soo cute – he complemented Disha , who was wearing a baby pink jump suit

Disha: thanks – she said flipping her hairs

Aly was soo lost in Jasmin that he didn't even remember to complement her. Jasmin was waiting for him to say something but Rahul spoke up

Rahul: lets go guys , we have to reach by 8:30 there as we have our bookings done

Aly: yes lets go – he said coming out his world

Everyone sat in the car. Aly and Jasmin were in the front seat and Rahul and Disha sat on the back seat.

Disha and Rahul were engrossed in each other.

Jasmin : so where are we going?

Aly: Hotel Green Paradise – he said looking ahead and driving

Jasmin: hmm – she was going getting confused as to why Aly didn't complement her yet.

Aly: the place has the best Hakka noodles in town – he said passing a smile

Aly's p.o.v

We I was coming down the stairs my eyes fell on her. Damn !!!! she was wearing a black body-con dress. I guess this is the first time she is wearing something western and that too soo much explosive because I can clearly see the cautiousness and dilemma in her eyes. But whatever it is , I just can't take my eyes off her....those milky smooth legs, perfect curves. Aly behave yourself my consciousness mocked me but she was looking deadly in that black dress. i was almost about to fall down but luckily my bro saved me. I was still trying to figure out what to say. I wanted to complement her but I just went out of words then Rahul said it's time to leave and I decided to drive so that I can distract myself a bit from her killer looks because I just wanted kiss her wildly for eternity and I was sure to lose my control and do something stupid and maybe she might not like it. I could feel that she was desperately waiting for me to complement her and to be honest I was enjoying keeping her waiting too

Aly was smiling thinking about all these which did not went unnoticed by Jasmin

Jasmin: why are you laughing?

Aly: who me? – he said with a plane face

Jasmin; yes

Aly: I just remembered a funny joke – he said covering up

Rahul: tell us also bro – he jumped between their conversation again

Disha: yes yes tell us

Aly: weren't you two busy in your PDA?

Rahul: now we are done, so tell us the joke too bro

Aly was now trapped. He didn't know what to say and he wasn't able to come up with any excuses to cover up .

Aly: look we have reached – he said hastily driving the car inside the hotel's parking lot . He pulled the break hard and everyone felt a sudden jerk

Rahul: well that was some pretty rash driving – he said getting down the car like everyone else

Jasmin felt a little sad as she thought Aly was ignoring him. Disha and Rahul moved ahead and entered the restaurant Aly was also a bit behind them with Jasmin

Jasmin: Aly – she stopped a few steps behind him and called him out

Aly look to his left to look at Jasmin but when he didn't found her , he turned around 

that's it for today guys!!!!!

please do vote and comment also suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next part whenever possible.....

till then bye!!!!!

JasLy Lovers.

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