chapter 25

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Hi everyone!!!! the next chapter is here..... i hope i don't disappoint anyone as the story line is completely imaginary. Do vote and comment also suggestions are always welcome........happy reading!!!!!!

///(p.s. sorry for this  super small chapter my exams are coming and i have a lot to catch up)///

Aly's phone starts ringing. It was a call from Rahul

Aly: hello – he answered the call rudely

Rahul: p.a. called me and said we have a meting in an hour so we have to leave immediately

Aly: I am coming – he said and dropped the call

Jasmin: what happened?

Aly: have to go to office early today we have a meeting in an hour

Jasmin: Ooo – she said sadly

Aly: why are you upset? – he asked cupping her face

Jasmin: you will go to office and I will be all alone – she said cutely

Aly: aww!!! Don't be sad JJ I will return early today ok? And don't worry Disha will be home with you

Jasmin: what's JJ?

Aly: just like you call me love I will also call you JJ from now on!!!!

Jasmin: JJ....hmm – she said thinking

Aly: don't you like the name?

Jasmin: I love it!!!! – she said hugging him, Aly too hugged her back

Aly: now let me quickly take a shower and get ready or else I will be late for the meeting

Jasmin: yes, yes go where am I stopping you?

Aly looked at their position

Jasmin: what? – she looked down at herself and realized that she was still sitting on his lap. Jasmin immediately got us from his lap and looked here and there embarrassed.

Aly chuckled at her cuteness

Aly: I will quickly take a shower. Can you find me something to wear today?

Jasmin: yes

Aly: great, come then – saying this Aly and Jasmin went to their room

Aly entered the washroom with a towel and Jasmin opened his wardrobe to choose his outfit for the day.

Fifteen minutes later Aly came out of the washroom wrapping a towel around his west. He saw Jasmin was talking to herself .

Jasmin ( to herself) : great!!!! I have been trying to find something formal for him but seems like he is too obsessed with t-shirts , jeans , bunches of jackets and track pants. God!!! I am super confused? What will I choose from these junky clothes.

Aly: ahem ahem – he cleared his throat to grab her attention

Jasmin turned around and was about to speak something but when she saw Aly she froze.

Aly took a few steps towards her 

that's it for today guys!!!!

please do vote and comment, suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next chapter whenever possible 

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers. 

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