chapter 2

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Hi everyone!!!!! the next part is here....... i hope i don't disappoint anyone also this ff is completely my imagination. Please do vote and comment as it really encourages me also suggestions are always welcome. ......happy reading!!!!!!!

///(p.s. this ff will be full of emotions and feelings)///

Guy: doctor, please hurry up it's an emergency – he barged into the hospital shouting for help

A few ward boys and nurses came out with a stretcher followed by a doctor. The guy put her in the stretcher carefully.

Doctor: take her to the OT – he ordered

Guy: doctor, will she be fine? Please tell me – he asked worried

Doctor: right now lets just hope for the best – he said and entered the OT

His p.o.v

I watched her getting operated through the window of the OT although I couldn't see clearly because of the roman blinds but still I could get a small glimpse of what was happening inside. My heart felt a strange connecting towards her, as if I couldn't see her in that pain. I wanted her to be safe and unarmed. I cursed myself for being responsible for her condition. But the taught of what she was doing in that lonely street in that bad weather had me puzzled up. I sat on the waiting chair in front of the OT and prayed to god for her recovery. After what almost felt like an eternity, finally the OT light turned green and the doctor walked out with a tensed expression

Guy: doctor, how is she now? is she alright? Is there anything to worry about – he asked all in one breath.

Doctor: please calm down first Mr... . – he said unfinished

Guy: Aly

Doctor: please come to my cabin Mr. Aly and we will discuss everything there itself – he said walking towards his cabin and Aly followed him worried.

They entered the cabin and both seated down,

Aly: please doctor, is anything serious? Is she fine?

Doctor: well she is your wife I presume?

Aly felt quiet for a minute

Doctor: Mr Aly? – he shook him and Aly returned to reality

Aly: yes, she is – he said fumbling

Doctor: oh! I see

Aly: why is something serious? She is out of danger right?

Doctor: well, yes she is out of danger but – he took a small pause

Aly: but what? – he was getting restless now

 Doctor: I am afraid she might be suffering from short term memory loss due to the sever head injury she had suffered. – he said confronting

Aly: what? – he was hell shocked

Doctor: I am really sorry about it

Aly: how much memory will she loose ? won't she remember anything from her past?

Doctor: well, right now nothing can be said about that first let her gain consciousness

Aly: and when is she supposed to gain consciousness?

Doctor: with the heavy dose of medications she is being treated with maybe a few days would take for her to gain consciousness

Aly: it's all my fault – he said softly breaking down from inside

Doctor: please sir, don't loose hope and don't break down. In these times I suggest you be strong

Aly: when can I take her home?

Doctor: not now because she needs proper medical attention

Aly: I can hire a nurse for her 24*7 please doctor

Doctor: I am sorry Mr Aly but I can't grant you that permission until she gains consciousness also I have a few more tests to run

Aly: fine then shift her to a luxury cabin and I will stay with her always – he said sternly

Doctor: sure, we can do that. Now if you may excuse me I have other patients to attend 

that's it for today guys!!!!

do listen to the amazing song " tenu yaad karran" its magical

please do vote and comment also suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next part again tomorrow.....

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers.

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