chapter 47

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Hi everyone!!!! the next chapter is here.....I hope I don't disappoint anyone. please do vote and comment also suggestions are always welcome....happy reading!!!!

///(p.s. I will be uploading my both the FF's alternatively each day as I have a lot of other stuff to do too and it's really hectic for me to upload both the book every day!!!)///

Disha: for my new partner in the upcoming fashion show

Rahul: what? – he looked at Aly confusingly

Aly: yup, you heard that right!!!!!! – he said nodding positively

Disha: and guess who's my new partner? – she asked keeping both her hand on Jasmin's shoulder

Rahul: who??

Jasmin: MEEEEE!!!!!!!! – she said enthusiastically

Rahul: what really? That's great!!!!!!!!

Aly: wait there's more.....

Rahul: more?

Aly: Rishav is their new sponsor for the fashion show.

Rahul: waw!!! That's great news

Disha: I know, I am soo excited about the fashion show

Rahul: let's take some rest now we will celebrate at night

Rishav: and I will chook the dinner tonight!!!! – he said coming down the stairs after changing

Jasmin: yes!!!! – she said excitedly

Aly: and what will you cook? – he asked non interestedly

Rishav: Jasmin's favorite!!!!

Jasmin: no!!! really? – she was super excited to hear that

Rishav: I never joke about cooking

Aly: do you even know how to boil water?

Rishav: tonight you will see my magic – he said combing his hair with his fingers

Aly was not liking Rishav around Jasmin at all.

Everyone went to their respective rooms

In Aly's room

Jasmin: I feel soo sleepy – she said jumping on the bed

Aly: my baby is sleepy? – he said cutely hugging her and lying down beside her

Jasmin: yes, I always feel tired after a heavy lunch – she said yawning

Aly: heavy lunch? Did you go out to eat with Disha alone?

Jasmin: not Disha, Rishav ordered in

Aly: why? Is it his birthday today?

Jasmin: no, he just gave me a treat – she said in a sleepy tone

Aly: Oh I see!!! – he said burning from inside

Jasmin soon fell asleep in his arms but Aly just couldn't sleep his heart was burning with jealousy.

Aly's p.o.v

The moment I saw that guy, I knew he was a very big flirt and now I have to literally see his face every day because he will be staying with us for a while. He even looked like one of those roadside Romeos and I wasn't wrong that Rishav is indeed trying to hit on my girl. Bad for him because she is the only mine and I won't just randomly let anyone walk between us. But this girl is too innocent to understand all these also I don't believe this that on the first day only they had lunch together and now he is going to cook for her tonight. If anyone in this world would be cooking for her that should be me and only me. I was continuously thinking about it and I didn't even realize when I fell asleep. After waking up I check the clock it was 6:30 in the evening!!!! Shit, I overslept. I turned around to cuddle on to her. As I turned, she was gone!!!! The bed was empty on her side. Slowly rubbing my eyes I sat up on the bed and went to freshen up. After coming out of the washroom something strikes my mind!!!! I hope what I am thinking won't be happening for real!!!!! I almost ran out of the room and hurried downstairs.....

that's it for today guys!!!!

please do vote and comment  also suggestions are always welcome

I will update the next part again the day after tomorrow.....

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers.

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