chapter 43

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Hi everyone!!!! the next chapter is here.......i hope i don't disappoint anyone as the story line is completely imaginary. please do vote and comment also suggestions are always welcome.....happy reading!!!!

///(p.s. Rishav is not any negative character guys as promised there won't be any villains !!!!)///

Jasmin: you can cook?

Rishav: people call me master chef – he said laughing

Jasmin: what's your favourite?

Rishav: chole bhature is something I can die for

Jasmin: yah I love it too

Rishav: have you ever tried bhature with potato feeling?

Jasmin: no in fact I have never heard of it also

Rishav: you are kidding right?

Jasmin: no honestly I haven't tried nor heard about this

Rishav: well you must try!!!!

Jasmin: sure

Rishav: let's begin our tour then

Jasmin: yes – she stood up and lead the way and Rishav followed her

Jasmin showed him around and in the mean time Rishav cracked some meaningless to which Jasmin laughed because of his foolish talks. But the only thing that bonded well between them was food.

Jasmin: let's wait in Disha's cabin

Rishav: actually I am feeling very hungry!!!

Jasmin: again? Didn't you had a burger ?

Rishav: yes but that was an hour back. I am starving

Jasmin: lets go to the canteen

Rishav: no!!!

Jasmin: no?

Rishav: I was thinking that there is a very good restaurant just on the opposite side of the road and I hear they have amazing mutton to serve!!! So do you want to try it?

Jasmin's eyes sparkled as soon as she heard mutton and she was about to say yes but then Aly's words rang in her head and she remembered the promise he made him of not going anywhere alone and to Jasmin Rishav was too new to be trusted

Jasmin: can't we order in? – she said sweety because she didn't wanted to leave mutton

Rishav: Jasmin it's just a few steps away

Jasmin: sorry but I don't feel like steeping out

Rishav: ok then I will order in

Jasmin: yay!!! – she said jumping like a kid

Rishav ordered and within no time their order was delivered. They started eating while chit chatting. Disha entered the room and saw Jasmin and Rishav laughing and enjoying their food

Disha: you both are very bad. Here I am in a boring meeting and you both are enjoying

Jasmin: come Disha I have kept your share of food aside already

Disha: thanks Jas.....god I was starving

Rishav: when don't you starve? – he said mocking

Disha: whatever.... – she ignored him and started eating hungrily

Rishav: you are eating just like a monster – he said laughing

Jasmin: Rishav!!!! Don't say like that....... Disha eat slowly no need to rush

Disha: Jas I am really starving. Mouses are running madly inside my stomach

Jasmin: I know but eat slowly

Disha: by the way you guys really bonded well

Rishav: yah we did

Disha: the food is soo tasty.

Rishav: because I ordered!!! – he said proudly

Disha: you???

Jasmin: and this treat is from Rishav's side for our new friendship

Disha: Rishav you never gave me a treat and now.....

Rishav: because she is special

Jasmin: sister..... – she added

Rishav: yah she is my foodie sister and we are partners in food!!!! Right? – he asked winking

Jasmin: right!!!!

Disha: let's go home now I am done

that's it for today guys!!!!

please do vote and comment, suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next part as soon as possible

till then bye!!!

JasLy Lovers. 

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