chapter 23

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Hi everyone!!!! the part is here...... i hope i don't disappoint anyone as the story line is absolutely imaginary. Do vote and comment  as it really encourages me also suggestions are always welcome.....happy reading!!!!

///(p.s. i managed to write a chapter today also)///

Aly: good morning guys

Disha: good morning, someone is up early today!!!!

Rahul: good morning bro but I didn't expect you to be up soo early at least today – he said hitting his shoulder playfully

Aly: I just wanted to work out a bit so I woke up early

Disha: you guys carry on I will go and check if breakfast is ready – saying this she left

Rahul: now tell me what's wrong!!!!

Aly: what is wrong? Nothing !!!!

Rahul: why are your eyes puffed?

Aly: I just didn't sleep well last night

Rahul: why? – he asked smirking

Aly: it's nothing like what you are thinking bro !!!!

Rahul: then?

Aly: it's nothing I could not sleep that's it!!!! simple

Just then Jasmin came down

Jasmin: good morning everyone

Rahul: good morning

Aly: good morning

Jasmin: Aly, I wanted to apologize about yesterday night

Aly: it's ... it's ok – he tried ignoring the topic

Rahul: what is going on between you two??? Jasmin you tell me

Aly: nothing absolutely nothing!!!! Jas leave it !!!! – he pleaded to Jasmin through his eyes not to tell about it but Jasmin wasn't able to understand what he was trying to say

Rahul noticed it and now he was even more desperate to know what happened

Jasmin: no Aly, I should not have done that

Rahul: tell me what happened Jasmin.

Jasmin: actually I have a very bad habit of kicking in my sleep......

Rahul almost figured out what she was about to say further. He looked at Aly controlling his laugh while Aly gave him an annoyed look

Rahul: then what happened? – he asked crossing his hands in his chest as if listening seriously

Jasmin: but I forgot to mention it to him and yesterday when we both were sleeping I kicked him soo hard that he fell from the bed. But trust me it wasn't intentional at all and I myself didn't realise when I did it. I am soo sorry love , I should have been more careful – she was feeling sorry for her actions but Rahul couldn't control his laugh anymore and he busts out laughing hard.

Aly: stop it Rahul – he said scolding Rahul

Rahul: bro she kicked you out of bed – he said laughing holding his stomach

Jasmin: I am sorry – she bowed down her head

Rahul: it's absolutely fine Jas, you shouldn't be sorry for what you did – he said still laughing

Aly: enough Rahul now stop it – he said angrily

Rahul: I am trying – he said trying to compose himself

Aly: I am going have breakfast, Jas come with me let him laugh alone – he said and dragged Jasmin along with him towards the dinning area

Disha: good morning Jas, come breakfast is ready

Jasmin: good morning Disha – she settled down beside Disha

Aly pulled out a chair loudly and sat down

Seeing Aly soo angry she understood something has gone wrong

Disha: what happened Aly?

Getting no reply she turned to Jasmin

Disha: what happened to him? – she whispered to Jasmin

Jasmin looked at Aly who was looking at her with angry eyes and this Jasmin understood and she kept shut

Jasmin: I don't ... . – she was whispering back when Rahul came and cut her in between

Rahul: wait Disha I am telling you – he said sitting down 

Rahul narrated the whole story to Disha, Jasmin was supper embarrassed about what she did. Once Rahul finished narrating everything again he burst out laughing this time even Disha joined him. the whole dinning hall was echoing with their laughter. But Aly's anger and irritation grew with every passing second

Aly stood up angrily

Aly: I am done

Disha: but finish your breakfast

Aly: I will leave for the office after two hours – he said ignoring everyone and went upstairs

Jasmin: stop it guys, don't irritate him. see he hadn't have his breakfast also

Rahul: sorry Jas, actually we rarely get any chance of pulling his leg

Disha: yes and don't take his side. Aly never leaves a chance to irritate us.

Jasmin: I am taking our breakfast upstairs and please guys when he comes down please don't irritate him

Rahul & Disha: ok boss!!!

Jasmin went upstairs with a plate of food

Aly was in the study room using his phone sitting on the main study table 

that's it for today guys!!!!

do vote and comment, suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next chapter as soon as possible....

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers.

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