chapter 3

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Hi everyone!!!! the next chapter is here...... i hope i don't disappoint anyone and this ff is completely my imagination. Do vote and comment as it really encourages me also suggestions are always welcome......happy reading!!!!

///(p.s. guys do check out the new ff " Together Forever " by Jasly_is_love its an amazing story line)///

Soon the girl was transferred to a luxury cabin. It was a small room with a bed and a couch on the opposite sides. Aly slowly walked into the room dragging her suitcase and purse along with him.

Aly: hay, how are you doing now miss – he said talking to the unconscious women

Aly sat on the small stood beside her bed.

Aly: I am sorry it's all my mistake, I am the sole reason why you are suffering now. it's all my fault. I should have been more careful while I was driving. – his eyes were moist

A nurse came in

Nurse: sir, please fill up these documents of the patient and I will be right back to collect them – she said and left immediately

Aly: but how will I fill these up? I don't even know her name – he said to himself as his eyes fell on her belonging he thought of something

Aly: maybe I can find something from her belonging – he walked up to her purse and found a key ring with her name written on it

"Jasmin" the name read and automatically Aly a peace in his heart , he admired the name for a while and quickly started filling up the details

The nurse came In to collect the papers

Nurse: are you done sir?

Aly: yes, here you go – he said forwarding the papers

Nurse started checking whether everything is filled up correctly

Nurse: sir, you missed out the surnames blank

Aly: yah, that I .... . – he was about to speak when the nurse spoke up

Nurse: what's your surname sir?

Aly: what? Mine?

Nurse: yes sir

Aly: Goni

Nurse: right sir, I have filled it up thank you – she said smilingly and walked out of the room

Aly again sat on the stool beside her and started talking to her

Aly: hello, Jasmin I am Aly. Its nice to meeting you – he said taking to unconscious Jasmin

The rest of the night Aly sat beside her adoring her beautiful face and he didn't realize when he felt asleep on the bedside holding her hand in his hands

It was 7 in the morning when Aly's phone started buzzing making him awake

Aly: hello – he said in a sleepy voice

Caller: where are you? – someone asked worried from the other end of the call 

Aly: yes , I am fine – he said assuring

Caller: but where are you ?

Aly: hospital

Caller: what? Why? What happened? – the caller asked frightened

Aly narrated the whole incident

Caller: should I come over?

Aly: yes why not and bring a pair of fresh cloths and some food for me please

Caller: sure , see you soon. Bye

The nurse came with a few injections in a tray

Nurse: good morning sir – she greeted Aly

Aly: good morning, when will the doctor come for a visit?

Nurse: the doctor will be here soon – saying this the nurse injected Jasmin

Aly: when will she gain consciousness?

Nurse: It can't be said certainly but I pray she gains consciousness soon

Aly gave her a faint smile

The doctor came in and did her check up

 Doctor: OK – he said reading her reports seriously

Aly: what is it doctor? 

that's it for today guys!!!! sorry for this small update actually something personal came up so i couldn't write much!!!!

please do vote and comment also suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next part again tomorrow....

till then bye!!!

JasLy Lovers.

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