chapter 7

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Hi everyone!!!! the next chapter is here..... i hope i don't disappoint anyone also this ff is completely my imagination any resemblance to the reality is complete coincidence. Do vote and comment as it really encourages me also suggestions are always welcome.....happy reading!!!!

////(p.s. rate this ff out of 10  also this is a long chapter....)////

Jasmin: because I can't remember your name – she said with moist puppy eyes

Aly: here look at me – he said making her look at him

Their eyes met and there was a small eye lock

Aly: my name is Aly

Jasmin: Aly, my love – she repeated him name

Aly: yes Jas

Jasmin: Jas?

Aly: why can't I call you Jas?

Jasmin: yes you can I love it – she said smiling

Aly smiled back at her

The Nurse brought in a bowl of soup for her

Nurse: mam, please have this soup. You will feel better

Jasmin made a weird face as she saw the almost colourless soup

Jasmin: ewww!!!! No way I won't have this – she made a very weird face

Aly giggled at her cute attics but composed himself

Aly: you go, I will feed her – he said to the nurse and the nurse left

Aly took the bowl in his hand and was about to feed him a spoon when Jasmin turned her face on the other side

Aly: don't be so stubborn Jas , have the soup please – he said convincingly

Jasmin: no – she said nodding

Aly: you know the doctor said if you finish this soup they will let you go home with me

Jasmin: today?

Aly: yes today evening

Jasmin: yay!!!! I will finish the soup now only – she turned and snatched the bowl from Aly and started gulping the soup

Aly: slow down or else you might chock – he said tensed

Jasmin finished the whole soup in one go and handed the empty bowl to Aly

Aly: that was super-fast – he said amazed

Jasmin burped and nodded foolishly like a small kid

Aly: and that burp will be the sign that your soup digested too – he said chuckling

Jasmin: yes, now can we go home?

Aly: yes, you take some rest I will prepare all the discharge papers and will be right back

Jasmin: ok

Aly left to sign all the discharge papers and Jasmin lied down on the bed. Soon Jasmin was discharged from the hospital and Aly took her to his house.

The doorbell of a big mansion rings,

Rahul: coming.... . – he shouts and came down to open the door

Aly and Jasmin stood at the door

Rahul: welcome home Jasmin – he said with a warm smile

Jasmin: thank you

Aly too followed them in dragging her suitcase and purse in one hand

They all stood in the huge living hall. Jasmin looked around the big mansion with glittering eyes. No wonder she was excited.

Rahul: so do you like your new house Jasmin?

Jasmin: yes, it's like a fairy tale house – she said looking around

Aly: come I will show you your room – he said walking up the stairs

Jasmin: our room you mean, right? – she said casually

Aly froze at his place as if he was some statue. Rahul's jaw dropped as he heard what Jasmin said

Jasmin: why did you stop? – she asked Aly

Rahul: yes bro why did you stop – he asked teasingly

Aly glared him but Rahul flashed him a teasing smile. Aly turned his gaze at Jasmin who was waiting for an answer

Aly: actually you are sick right now that's why for now you will have a room for yourself all alone so that you can stay comfortably – he said making her understand

Jasmin: but you are my hubby, I will be comfortable with you

Aly: don't worry I will be near you all the time

Jasmin: but

Aly: no more if's and but's come you need to rest now – he said walking up the stairs again while Jasmin followed him

Rahul's p.o.v

Jasmin truly loves him I guess even if she is mistaking but I can see the love in her eyes for him and my dear bro he is literally drowning in her love !!! I can see the sparks between them already. I just hope everything goes well between them and they end up together. God, I am so excited for you my bro.

Aly entered his room followed by Jasmin

 Aly entered his room followed by Jasmin

Aly: this is your room

Jasmin: waw!!! What a big room – she ran to the big bed and started jumping on it

Aly: hay stop doing that, you will hurt yourself – he ran to her frightened

Jasmin: the bed is soo soft and cozy – she said lying down

Aly: first go and freshen up

Jasmin: but I have to do the unpacking first – she said pouting

Aly: I can unpack your stuffs if you don't mind

Jasmin thought for a while and sat up cheerfully with a big smile

Jasmin: yes, you unpack everything I will freshen up – saying so she left for the washroom

Aly first unpacked her suitcase and arranged all her dresses in the wardrobe.

Aly's p.o.v

I unpacked her suitcase and arranged her clothes in the wardrobe. But right now I am in a dilemma should I unpack her purse too or not. Hesitatingly I opened the chain of her purse and slowly started taking out everything. There we some random hairpins, a comb, lipstick an water bottle, her phone and a brown journal diary. Wait, I shouldn't be opening this. It's her personal diary maybe but I was again too curious to know more about her. I was about to open it when I heard the washroom door open so I hid the diary in the nearby shelf and turned towards the washroom door

Jasmin came out wrapping a towel in her body.

that's it for today guys!!!! 

please do vote and comment also suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next part again tomorrow.....

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers.

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