chapter 14

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Hi everyone!!!!! the next chapter is here.......i hope i don't disappoint anyone as the story is completely my imagination. Do vote and comment as it really encourages me also suggestions are always welcome.....happy reading!!!!!!

///(p.s. do share your views on this chapter)///

Disha: how careless of you Aly!!! Why did you let her work today?

Rahul: yes bro, she just came back from the hospital and she is still very weak !!!! why didn't you let the cook do her job?

Disha and Rahul started scolding Aly who was angrily glaring Jasmin as if he will kill her with his eyes

Jasmin couldn't help but burst out laughing

Aly: really!!! You are laughing – he asked unbelievably

Disha: stop scolding her

Aly: you guys are bailing on me for her? – he said with a puppy face

Rahul: hello, Mr. Drama Company stop your drama and answer what we asked. Why did you make her cook today?

Jasmin: please don't be mad at him guys, he didn't do anything

Disha: don't defend him Jasmin

Jasmin: really guys, I myself sent the cook home early and started cooking

Rahul: what he doing then?

Aly: actually I was sleeping

Jasmin: yes, and when he got to know what I did he also said me not to cook but I was getting bored so I just wanted to cook and finally he agreed but he was standing there the whole time until I was done cooking

Aly nodded his head confirming that whatever she is saying is true

Disha: but Jasmin, you should really rest now

Rahul: yes and we have house help for cooking

Jasmin: I am absolutely fine!!! And didn't you guys enjoyed my cooked food?

Rahul: of course

Disha: it was too delicious

Aly: now if you all are done then please excuse me and Jas she has to take her medicines sharply 10 minutes are dinner

Rahul: yah sure

Disha: good night

Jasmin: good night

Aly and Jasmin went upstairs to their room

Aly: here have these medicines and sleep now

Jasmin gulped in the medicine with water and lied down. Aly started leaving the room

Jasmin: where are you going?

Aly: I am going to my room

Jasmin: please stay here please

Aly sat beside her on the bed

Jasmin hugged him and closed her eyes

Jasmin: can I ask you something?

Aly: yes

Jasmin: when will we get married?

Aly: what? – he asked shocked

Jasmin: yes, I want to get married to you please

Aly: but you are weak right now

Jasmin: please – she said with a puppy face

Aly: no arguments , you have get well first

Jasmin: OK! Then once I am absolutely fine can we get married?

Aly was thinking something deeply

Jasmin: hay – she shook him a little

Aly: OK – he said not so sure about his answer

Jasmin: finally my dream will come true

Aly: now sleep Jas – he said patting her head lightly

Jasmin felt asleep fast due to the dose of medications. Aly carefully covered her with the blanket and left for the study room.

that's it for today guys!!!!

please do vote and comment, suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next part again tomorrow.....

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers. 

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