chapter 39

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Hi everyone!!!! the next chapter is here.......i hope i don't disappoint anyone as the story line is completely my imagination. Do vote and comment also suggestions are always welcome......happy reading!!!!

///(p.s. do you guys fight with your siblings or cousins for your favourite food? comment down and let me know...)///

Next morning,

Aly's mom woke up before anyone and prepared breakfast. Later Disha Rahul, Aly and Jasmin came down in their usual time

Jasmin: hmm.... I can smell aloo parathas – she said smelling the aroma

Rahul: yes..!!!!

Aly: I was craving for mom's special butter fried aloo paratha's soo much

Disha: mee too

They all settled down on the table and Aly's mom came with a casserole of butter fried aloo parathas

Ruby: guess what's for breakfast?

Everyone: Aloo parathas

Raby: how do you all know?

Rahul: aunty I am sure our neighbours can smell this blissful aroma too

Disha: yes aunty

Jasmin: this aloo paratha smells soo tasty – she said drooling

Aly: mom serve me first

Rahul: no me first

Aly: why you first?

Rahul: because I complemented her first

Ruby: you both please don't start fighting early morning.

Disha: aunty you choose who you want to serve first

Rahul: I am sure aunty will choose me

Aly: in your dreams

Ruby: so today I will serve my both daughters first

Both Aly and Rahul's face dropped.

Jasmin: yaay!!!!

Disha: yaahuuu!!!

They both shared a high-five

Ruby served them first and then the boys

Jasmin: hmm.... It's heavenly – she said enjoying her paratha closing her eyes

Ruby: you like it Jasmin?

Jasmin: yes aunty it's nothing like I have ever tasted

Ruby: here....take some more – she served her the third paratha

Jasmin: thank you aunty

Rahul almost choked to see Jasmin having her third paratha while he was still stuck at his first one because the paratha's were very thick. He looked at Aly and signalled towards Jasmin's plate

Aly: Jas if you are full then let it be

Ruby: what let it be? She is soo weak can't you see let her eat – she said strictly

Jasmin: and moreover I am still hungry so I would have taken the third paratha anyways.

Aly , Rahul and Disha looked at each other with popped eyes

Ruby: that's like my good girl Jasmin, Disha learn something from her always dieting and dieting

Disha: aunty I am eating only

Ruby: yes but you are still eating your first paratha only.

Disha: but I feel soo full after having one only

Ruby: always excuses and what about you two? – she asked Aly and Rahul

Rahul: actually yesterday my stomach was paining so today I can have only one – he said smiling sheepishly

Aly stamped his foot hard and Rahul screamed out loud

Rahul: aaahhhhh!!!!

Ruby: what happened ?

Disha: are you fine ? – she asked suppressing her laugh because she understood Aly did something

Jasmin: is your tummy hurting again Rahul? – she asked extra sweetly

Aly: yes tell us bro where is it hurting now? – he asked innocently

Rahul: I am fine. I think I just got a cramp in my leg – he said irritably looking at Aly

Aly: I am done

Ruby: but you had only two parathas Aly

Aly: yes mom because I am full

Ruby: everyone has some or the other excuses to give

Jasmin: don't worry aunty I am here

Ruby: I know Jasmin only you understand my feelings – she said rubbing her back

that's it for today guys!!!!!

please do vote and comment also suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next part whenever possible.....

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers.

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