chapter 5

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Hi everyone!!!!! the next chapter is here......i hope i don't disappoint anyone , please do forgive me if i make any mistakes. Do vote and comment as it really encourages me also suggestions are always welcome .....happy reading!!!!

///(p.s. did you imagine their meeting like this!!!)///

Rahul: why are you still tensed bro? she is fine now

Aly: how will she react when she sees us?

Rahul: what do you mean? Obviously she won't recognize us and specially you because you have never met her before

Aly: yah you are right, come lets go inside

Rahul: you go in I will be right back after a call

Aly nodded and walked inside the room

Jasmin p.o.v

I woke up and found myself surround by doctor and nurses. As I looked around I realized it was a hospital cabin. But why am I here? I was waiting for him to come but then something happened why can't I remember anything? Aaahhhh!!! My head hurts. I hear the doctor telling me that not to pressurize myself with any stress. So I lay down relaxing looking up at the plane white ceiling but I was sure that I was missing something. I was alone in the room for quiet some time when I saw him walking inside the room with an worried expression

Jasmin: hey, love – she said cheerfully

Aly was stoned to his place for a minute

Jasmin: what happened ? come here – she said directing him to come close to her

Aly came out of his trench once he saw her signalling him to go near her, he slowly walked up to her and sat next to her on the stool

Aly: how are you feeling now? – he asked still shocked

Jasmin: better after seeing you – she said smiling

Aly: great – he said smiling faintly

Jasmin: do you remember what happened yesterday – she said and Rahul too walked in the room

Rahul: hay, how are you feeling Jasmin

Jasmin: you? Wait, I have surely seen you somewhere but where and why can't I remember ? – she said holding her head

Rahul: we met at your organization!!

Jasmin: yes, right – she said still remembering

Aly: do you remember my name? – he asked carefully

Jasmin: of course love , you are ...... ummm..., you are..... – she tried recalling very hard

Rahul: love? – he was confused

Jasmin: yes, he is my husband – she said introducing Aly

Aly: then don't tell me you forgot your husband's name – he said eyeing Rahul to understand what has happened. Rahul instantly understood why she was saying so

Jasmin: yes, I do remember your name.... its.... Ummmm... . – she tried harder to recall

Aly and Rahul waited for her to reply

Jasmin: AAAHHHHHH!!!!!! – she screamed in pain

Aly and Rahul: what happened? – both asked her fretfully

 Jasmin: my head hurt, why can't I remember it – she said sadly as tears rolled down her eyes slowly

Rahul: bro calm her down doctor said not to stress her much

Aly: Jasmin, here calm down you need some rest please relax don't have to stress yourself – he said calming her by patting her head slowly

Jasmin: but your name – she said as tears roll down her eyes

Aly: I am your love – he said smiling faintly and due to the medications Jasmin fell asleep almost instantly

Rahul: we should inform the doctor about her memory loss – he whispered

Aly: no – he said furiously yet softly and dragged Rahul out the cabin

Rahul: what is the matter with you Aly?

Aly: we have to take her to our house!!!!

Rahul: what? Then what about her memory loss and treatment?

Aly: we will call our family doctor for her treatment and for her memory loss if the doctor gets to know that she really isn't my wife then things might turn out badly also she is an orphan, its better she stays with us for now

Rahul: that's correct but don't you think we should inform her orphanage ?

Aly: after seeing her luggage it looks like she was going somewhere forever

Rahul: then what do you suggest?

that's it for today guys!!!!

please do comment down if you had imagined this to be their first meeting....

please do vote and comment everyone also suggestions are always welcome

i will upload the next part again tomorrow......

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers.

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