chapter 15

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Hi everyone!!!! the next chapter is here...... i hope i don't disappoint anyone as the story is completely my imagination. Do vote and comment as it really encourages me also suggestions are always welcome......happy reading!!!!

////( our suspense queen anushka1333 has started a new book named "LOVE-MARRIAGE-SIYAPPA" do check it out. the story line is quiet interesting and different.)////

Aly sat on the study table. His expressions showed that he was disturbed. Jasmin's diary was lying on the table in front of him. He started opening the diary.

The first page had a "J" written in calligraphy. Aly ran his figures over the letter as if he was trying to feel the alphabet. He turned the page and a photograph fell out from that page. I picked up the picture. He saw two smiling figures posing happily for the camera. He kept looking at the picture while his mind was lost in his own thoughts.

Aly's p.o.v

At first when I saw the picture I didn't understand who might be the person posing beside Jasmin but when I looked properly I was sure that it was him. Her love !!!!! I felt an unknown pain when I am saying this. But the truth is she loves her and not me. she is just thinking him to be me and right now I have no other option but to play along. But a day will come when she will gain back her memory and then she will leave me and go to him, her true love.

Aly was felling hurt as he thought this. He held the picture tightly in his fist making it crumble up. The sound of door opening made him come back to reality and he quickly kept back the picture inside the diary and composed himself

Rahul: bro, won't you sleep? – he said entering the room

Aly: I was just going to sleep – he said yawning

Rahul: come then

Aly and Rahul went to Rahul's room and both fell asleep

Next morning

It was a Sunday so Aly and Rahul did not have office

Everyone except Jasmin came down to have breakfast

Disha: good morning guys!!!

Aly: good morning

Rahul: good morning

Disha: where is Jasmin?

Rahul: still sleeping !!!!

Aly: maybe because of the medicine she is still asleep

Disha: but it's very late, I think I should go and check on her once – she stood up from her place went towards Jasmin's room

Disha entered her room, she saw Jasmin is sleeping with the blanket covering her from top to bottom.

Disha: Jasmin, wake up.... Jas , its late – she said sitting on the bed edge

Jasmin wasn't responding at all

Disha: Jasmin.... Wake up – she said shaking her a little but she felt a bit strange as if Jasmin's body was shaking. Disha slowly removed the blanket from her face and she was shocked to see Jasmin shaking and sweating badly.

Disha: Jasmin, what is happening to you – she was very tensed. Disha tried to wake her up but she was just slowly blabbering something in her sleep.

Aly and Rahul were sitting in the hall and chit chatting about random stuffs when suddenly they heard Disha scream out their names horrifically. They both rushed to Jasmin's room.

 Disha: guys!!!! What's happening to her – she said disturbed by Jasmin's condition

Aly checked her temperature with his palm

Aly: she is burning with fever – he said worried

Rahul: here, take the thermometer an check her body temperature I will call the doctor in the mean time

Aly checked her temperature it was 103

Aly: Disha, bring in some wet towels please

Disha nodded and left

Aly looked at Jasmin with tensed expression

Aly: Jas, what is happening to you!!! You have so high fever. You were right I should have just stayed here with you at night then at least I could have not let this happen. – he said to Jasmin who was still blabbering in her sleep

Aly tried to hear what she was blabbering but he wasn't able to understand everything. It was like she was humming something

Disha came in with the wet towel and placed it on Jasmin's head . Rahul too walked in with their family doctor.

that's it for today guys!!!!!! 
JasLy is coming live on ista today at 8 pm !!!! Yahhuuuu....

do let me know in the comments that what might happen to Jasmin now?????

please do vote and comment also suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next part again tomorrow......

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers.

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