chapter 18

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Hi everyone!!!! the next chapter is here....... i hope i don't disappoint anyone as it's my second ff and the story line is completely imaginary. Do vote and comment as it really encourages me also suggestions are always welcome.......happy reading!!!!

////(p.s. i know you all were thinking what Jasmin and Disha might be discussing but i am sure you never thought that they were discussing about this!!!!)////

                 { NOTE: LONG CHAPTER!!!!! }

Rahul: come on speak up

Disha: well Jasmin wants to tell you guys something

Jasmin looked at Disha and gave her a " are you serious?" kind of look

Aly: what is it Jas?

Rahul: yes tell us

Both of them were curiously looking at Jasmin, waiting for her to speak

Jasmin: actually I was thinking that may be we four can have a small movie party today evening

Rahul: movie party?

Jasmin: we four will watch a movie together and there will be snacks too – she said licking her tongue

Aly: are you really excited about the movie or the snacks – he said looking at her attics

Jasmin: so can we do the movie party? Please!!!! – she said looking at them with pleading eyes

Rahul and Aly glanced at each other.

Aly and Rahul : ok !!! – they both said in unison

Jasmin: yay – she started dancing sitting in her chair and Disha too joined her

Aly: but in one condition – he said with a pause and Jasmin and Disha stopped dancing

Disha: what condition?

Aly: Jas you have to take your medicine without any arguments after lunch and then take a small nap

Jasmin: fine I will take a small nap

Aly: and the medicines?

Jasmin: ok I won't deny to have medicines too. Happy?

Aly: yes very happy

They finished their lunch and went to their respective rooms to rest a while.

Inside Jasmin's room

Aly: here have the medicines

Jasmin: I will have the medicine but you have to do as I say

Aly: no that was not the deal Jas

Jasmin: please love

Aly: tell me – he said giving up

Jasmin: after the medicine when I will take a nap that time you too have to sleep with me – she said being excited

Aly: what? No !!!!

Jasmin: please love – she said with the sweetest tone

Aly: fine

Jasmin quickly gulped the medicine in one go and lay down on the bed immediately

Jasmin: come – she said instructing him to lie down beside her

Aly: umm.... I need to go to the washroom first – he rushed inside the washroom

Jasmin: come back soon

Aly's p.o.v

What will I do now? she wants me to sleep with her. Idea!!! Let me call up Rahul and take his opinion

Aly calls up Rahul

Aly: hello Rahul

Rahul: bro why is your voice echoing?

Aly: that's because I am inside the washroom

Rahul: what? Why are you calling me from inside the washroom?

Aly: that's because... . – he was cut in between by Rahul

Rahul: wait, you are not in my rooms washroom? Then you are inside whose washroom bro ? – he asked horrified

Aly: I am in my rooms washroom but that's not the point – he was again cut by Rahul

Rahul: what? What are you doing in Jasmin's washroom bro don't tell me you are giving her a bath – he said smirking

Aly: what? No , not at all – he said making a weird face

Rahul: I know I told you to make her fall in love with you for real but this is too much for the starters

Aly: shut up and listen to me first – he said annoyed

Rahul: OK , OK tell me what's the matter

Aly: Jasmin wants me to sleep with her

Rahul: what? – he asked disbelievingly

 Aly: yes, that's why is ran to the washroom excusing myself

Rahul: but what does she really want to do ? like tell me in details

Aly: nothing of that sort, she just wants me to lie down beside her while she take a nap

Rahul: so what's the problem in that?

Aly: bro, understand sleeping beside her. Isn't it too much?

Rahul: see if she feels secure around you then do as she says remember you have to love and care about her forgetting the fact that she is thinking you to be someone else

Aly: but

Rahul: no buts Aly, I know you can do this do as she says and don't hesitate she is after all yours forever

Aly: how can you be so sure of that?

Rahul: I just know OK and for gods sake from this moment forget that she even has a past just concentrate on the present bond and meld it into love

Aly: OK, bye talk to you later – he disconnects the call and moves out of the washroom

Jasmin: come, I can't sleep without you

Aly: hmm

As Aly lie down beside Jasmin, she tightly hugged him but Aly was trying to get off her grip. Jasmin again tightened her hug. Aly again removed her hands, Jasmin again wrapped her hands around him and again Aly tried removing her hands. This game continued for a while when suddenly after Aly removed her hand Jasmin bit his muscular bicep like a small rabbit.

Aly: ouch!!!!! – he cried in pain

Jasmin started giggling

Aly: did you just bite me!? – he said looking at his bicep imprinted with her tooth marks

Jasmin nodded positively giggling

Aly: how could you bit me? – he asked widening his eyes

Jasmin again grabbed his arm and bit him

Jasmin: like this – she said naughtily

Aly: ouch.... That hurts Jas

Jasmin: good , because you weren't letting me hug you – she said with a cute pout

Aly: so you will bite me?

Jasmin: sorry love, come I will make the pain go away

Before Aly could reply anything Jasmin kissed his bite marks lovingly a couple of times. Aly was lost in her simplicity, he couldn't help but smile looking at her.

that's it for today guys!!!!

i hope this chapter makes you laugh!!!!!

please do vote and comment, suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next part again tomorrow.....

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers. 

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