chapter 31

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Hi everyone!!!!! the next chapter is here.........i hope i don't disappoint anyone as the story line is completely imaginary. Do vote and comment also suggestions are always welcome......happy reading!!!!!

///(p.s. i wasn't going to update today also but then i had this chapter already written so i thought of posting it!!!!! i hope you all liked it....)///

Rahul: are you serious bro??? – he said widening his eyes.

Ruby: finally my son is improving for good!!!!

Disha: you also take some Rahul – saying this she served him a little bit of mixed veg before he could deny.

Aly: hmm.... Its not that bad also – he said tasting the mixed veg with rice

Rahul was just looking at the mixed veg.

Disha: eat it

Rahul: yes, yes....

Rahul too ate it and his expression also changed

Rahul: waw!!!! This is really good!!!! Why did I hate it anyways – he said happily

Aly: give me some more – he said forwarding his plate

Jasmin: here, take it – she served him

Rahul: I also want more

Jasmin: yes , you also take – she also served him

Disha: really Jas your mixed veg has some magic. I never expected them to even taste it but look at them eating like hungry kids.

Ruby: more like fighting for the mixed veg – she said and they saw Aly and Rahul fighting over who will take the last spoon of mixed veg.

Aly: leave it bro, its mine – he said dragging the bowl towards him

Rahul: you leave it bro – he dragged the bowl on his side

Aly: I took it first – he again pulled

Rahul: but I said I wanted it – he too pulled back

Ruby: you two stop fighting like kids. Here give me the bowl – she took the bowl from them and took the rest of the remaining mixed veg in her plate.

Aly: mom, that was mine

Rahul: no, aunty that was mine

Ruby: this is mine now !!!!– she said finishing her food

Disha: relax guys!!!!

Jasmin: I will make mixed veg again tomorrow ok?

 Aly: ok but make in large quantity

Rahul: yes, otherwise he will eat away my portion too

Aly: you also were trying to eat my portion

Rahul: no you!!!

Aly: no you!!!

They started debating like kids

that's it for today guys!!!!!

please don't be mad for this small chapter

please do vote and comment also suggestions are always welcome....

i will update the next chapter after my exams are over....

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers. 

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