Author's Note

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Hi everyone!
Welcome to my fanfic! I've wanted to write something on what happened after the Second Wizarding War for quite a long time, so here I am.

You will probably find some mistakes here and there because English isn't my first language so please forgive me for that.
Hope you will enjoy the fanfiction anyway :)

Nearly everything in this story is headcanon, because sadly we can only guess what happened to our favourite Harry Potter characters between the Battle of Hogwarts and 2017, or hope J.K. Rowling will write another book, sooner or later...
OK, maybe I'm being a little too optimistic now.

‼️Declaration: I own none of the characters used in this fanfiction. They belong to J.K. Rowling.‼️
The stunning art in the cover by alessia.trunfio on Instagram. (PS. I know they're supposed to be James and Lily but I thought it fitted Harry and Ginny well and the art was just amazing.)

Also, I strongly recommend you to read The Marauders Series if you haven't done it yet!!!
It's a fanfiction here on Wattpad, the author is H.J. Martin/Pengiwen. There are lots of books, usually more than one for each year at Hogwarts of the Marauders. It focuses a lot on James, Sirius, Remus, Peter and Lily, but also Regulus and Snape. The main ships are Wolfstar and Jily.
I highly - HIGHLY - recommend it because it's my favourite fanfic. I mean... not only because of that. You'll never regret reading it. Trust me.

If you are in the Marauders fandom, Commentarius by BeeDaily is another beautiful fanfic on Lily Evans's life during her seventh year (her point of view). It can be found on ao3.
Last but not least, I recommend Potter, a pretty cool fanfiction by Lily Brooks on Wattpad. I couldn't stop reading it because it's just so well written - even the beginning of the fanfiction is amazing, and the author was only 12 when she wrote it. She finished writing it at 18!
The main ship is Drily (Draco and Lily - not Lily Evans, ofc!) but I promise you you'll love it.
It makes you like/love even more - if you don't already - non canon Draco, Snape, Narcissa, Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini.
So hurray Slytherins! (even though I'm actually a Gryffindor :)

Thank you all,

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