Quidditch Tryouts

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Classes at Hogwarts were never completely full.
There was always at least one student that missed the lesson to sleep more, usually because of the nightmares that came and everyone knew will never leave.

Teachers left the students alone on that point of view. As long as you didn't miss classes too frequently they just said to ask a classmate the notes and do the homework assigned.

Even Flitwick, Slughorn and McGonagall, Harry noticed, sometimes looked like they hadn't slept for days.

McGonagall had set up a meeting for Head Boys, Head Girls and Prefects a week after the beginning of the school year, to meke sure everyone'd understand their duties. Harry and Hermione discovered they usually had patrolling-the-corridors turns together.

Ginny wasn't very happy that Harry was both Head Boy and Quidditch Captain, though, but she kept it to herself.
She wasn't jealous or any of that, of course, but having all those duties to do stole most of the already little time Ginny and Harry could spend together.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Neville sat in the Gryffindor common room doing homework together every evening, then Hermione would insist on helping the first year kids with their homework and finally Harry and Ginny had half an hour all for themselves.
Usually they stayed in one of their dormitories, chatting or simply snuggling together, feeling each other's warmth during cold days and holding one another when the times were hard.
Then there was the kissing of course. Ginny couldn't describe what she felt when Harry's hands slid from her jaw to her waist, and under her shirt.
She'd run her fingers through his messy black hair, and it felt heavenly.
But then Harry would have to go to patrol the corridors and when he gently told her he had to leave, Ginny would find herself unable to make him stay. Unable to tell him she didn't want him to go.
She watched him leave, every time.

Sometimes, when Dean and Neville were in the boys' dormitory or the girls in Hermione's dorm, the couple would find an empty classroom. Sometimes they'd get caught by a patrolling sixth-year Prefect or by teachers, but they didn't really care. Prefects had the good sense to leave them alone, and even if a teacher gave them detention, it was just a detention, and they usually could spend it together anyway.
One night the two of them were snogging in an empty classroom on the fifth floor when the door burst open. McGonagall came in, wearing her tartan pyjamas and holding her wand in front of her to see where she was going.
Harry and Ginny jumped apart as the classroom's candels lit up.

"Mr Potter, Miss Weasley." McGonagall said, raising an eyebrow at them. She didn't look surprised to find them there.

"Evening, Headmistress." said Harry in an apologizing voice.
McGonagall took some papers from the teacher's desk. "Here." she said placing them in a bag. "Sorry for the interruption dears. You have your patrolling turn in a few minutes, I may remind you, Mr Potter." she said to Harry. "Good evening to you." she blowed out the candles and winkes at them in a very Dumbledor-y way. Harry wondered how much she'd changed in the last eight years. How much he'd changed. He blushed in the dark.
As the door closed Ginny lowered her head on Harry's chest. "She's nice, you know. McGonagall. Flitwick and her helped us when the Carrows took over of the school. They were very brave."

Harry nodded slowly. "And you, leading the Army... You and Neville were the light in the dark for about... half the school?" Ginny chuckled, and Harry leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, kissing her softly. He leaned away only to wishper "I love you.", then he leaned in to kiss her again. "Love you too."


"Harry? Are you here?" Hermione's voice came frome the doorway. Harry groaned and placed one last kiss on Ginny's lips. "See you later, Gin." he whispered. He went out of the classroom, where Hermione was waiting for him. "Harry! I've been looking everywhere for you! Didn't you remember we had the night turn--"

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