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!Blood in this chapter!
'Hogsbleede' in the title is 'borrowed' from the parody "Barry Trotter" series by Michael Gerber.

On the day of Halloween, that fell on a Saturday that year, for all Hogwarts students from third year on had been planned a Hogsmeade trip.
Harry was really grateful for it because Professor Jones had asked a five-feet long essay on the Extension Charm and due on November 2nd, so they (Hermione would have brought them to the library) would have had to do it on Halloween day. Excuses made because of the Hogsmeade trip, Hermione said they would delay homework to the day after, so Ginny could've joined them too.
Then Hermione - to both Harry and Ron's surprise - announced, she was going to Hogsmeade with Ginny, Luna and some other girls.
That meant she wasn't going with them.

Harry and Ron didn't complain though, as Hermione had come to Hogsmeade with them since their third year, when they were allowed to visit the village for the first time. Harry remembered all too well when Fred and George had given him the Marauders' Map and he'd sneaked out of the castle without permission.
Wait --

For some reason the word wouldn't leave Harry's mind. He and Ron stepped out of the castle not long after Hermione did, but Harry suggested to go a different direction.
They headed towards the big tree in the Hogwarts grounds instead.

"Are we sure we want to go in there?" asked Ron with a raised eyebrow at him. "We haven't entered the Shrieking Shack since third year. We could find anything in there right now."

"Yes." Said Harry vaguely, "I'm going though. Just to have a look. If you want you can go to Hogsmeade, I'll see you there in less than an hour."

"No, no. Okay then. I'm in. I'm coming with you."
They both picked up some stones and threw them to the root they knew would block the violent tree from injuring them once they got at branch-reach.

"Where's Hermione's cat when we need him?" asked Ron to no one in particular, then he eyed the branches of the massive tree. "I'll never forger what this bloody tree did to my wand that time we flew dad's car." he said, a hint of hate in his voice. He threw a stone with more strength than the last ones.
The reaction of the tree was instant when Ron's stone hit the root. The tree froze.
They hurried inside the small passageway, muttering "Lumos", and the tips of their wands lit up.

"Ron?" said Harry at his best friend's back minutes after they wands' tips had lit. Now the rock ceiling was so near to the floor that they had to go on all fours.


"Your father's car. Is it still in the Forest?"

"I suppose so. For what I know it could be on holiday in Majorca right now."

Harry chuckled quietly, the picture of Mr Weasley's blue Ford Anglia on a wonderful beach, sunbathing and drinking cocktails suddenly vivid in his mind.

After about twenty minutes the boys found themselves in front of the door of the Shriecking Shack. "Wands out." whispered Harry, who decided to enter the shack first.
"Homenum Rivelio."  he waited a few seconds. "Nothing." He announced, "Well, no human's in here at least, but we best watch out for the animals."

"If we find one of Aragog's sons or something in these rooms I'm never going to speak to you again." Ron declared, looking around with narrowed eyes.

Harry mumbled something inaudible.

"Hurry up, shall we? It's freezing in here." Ron said cheerily. "I wonder how Lupin didn't wake up freezed when he came in here in winter."

"That must have been horrible." Harry agreed. "But maybe the Marauders lit up a fireplace or something, they were the Marauders after all, they probably found a way." Harry walked inside a room.

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