You Fainted, Pottah?

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Dear Harry,

I'm happy you made Head Boy. Teddy misses you a lot, he keeps asking about you. Every time he thinks of you his hair turns black!
Yesterday I brought him to the Weasley Wizard Wheezes, you should've seen the look on his face as he wondered around! Teds kept pulling things out of the shelves and at some point he came to me tap-dancing and laughing. We just had the time to remove the charm and he'd gotten bit by some some sort of creature George keeps there. His brows turned bright yellow and he couldn't stop sneezing. George took a photo of him, so I leave it here in the letter so you can see. He loves messing around, but George doesn't seem to care much.
I really think he'll be a mischievous boy as much as 'uncle George' was and still is.
I don't know if I'm ever going to let him carry a wand: just imagine what would happen!
We all miss you and hope to see you, Ron and Hermione very soon.

Have the best school term and have fun,


Harry gave Bubo a piece of the nearest cake and read the letter with Andromeda's warm and tidy handwriting. The moving wizarding photo showed his little blue-haired godson while he danced frantically chewing one of the sweets the Weasley twins invented not long after having left Hogwarts. He smiled. He missed his godson and Andromeda too.

The Great Hall that morning was full of noisy students running to talk to their mates at other tables, greeting old schoolmates and, in the case of the younger years, wishpering in amazement when a flock of owls of every size and colour came in, flying from somewhere on the ceiling, carrying letters and packs of sweets and forgetted requires students had left home.

McGonagall, helped by the Heads of the Houses, was giving timetables to every student in the general confusion.

"We have Herbology with the Hufflepuffs, then Transfiguration. Charms in the afternoon." said Hermione as she took her place at the Gryffindor table and gave Harry and Ron their respective timetables.

"Doesn't sound bad." Ron bit his sausage and chewed loudly. "We'll meet the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher tomorrow then?"

"No, the day after tomorrow." said Hermione looking at the schedule.
Ron grunted in disapproval.

"I hope he's a good teacher. We've never had a Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson with a normal professor since when Lupin taught us, back in third year." said Hermione.

"Yeah," Harry nodded "and Ginny keeps saying last year they called Defence Against the Dark Arts just Dark Arts. More appropriate to the subject, evidently."

There was a pause of silence, then Hermione spoke up, "Let's go to the dormitories and take the books, shall we?"

They walked to the greenhouses and found a crowd of students out of greenhouse seven, where Professor Sprout had never brought them because 'It's for seventh years with some experience, there are some seriously dangerous plants in there'.

In front of the crowd, from somewhere near the entrance of the greenhouse, a squat little witch with grey hair spoke "Welcome to your first lesson of the year! I'm happy to see so many of you've chosen to go on with my subject for the N. E. W. Ts. Now, if you can please form groups of five and take your place at the tables..."
The Herbology lesson was really interesting that day, and not only because Neville, who was in group with Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny, explained all the fascinating faces of the Digoxin - a medicinal plant used to treat heart conditions - and the Snakeroot, to cure snake bites too difficult or too dangerous to heal by magic - but Professor Sprout managed to have everyone's attention during her lesson.

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