Best Christmas

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November rushed by along with the freezing wind that constantly surrounded the castle. Harry and Ron went to visit Hermione in the infirmary every day, bringing her homework and the books she needed. "We've got the N. E. W. T.s this year, for Merlin's sake! They'll define what we'll do in the rest of our lives! I have to know what are you doing in class, I'm already behind because I'm missing all those classes!" Hermione had said, then she'd handed a long list of books to take from the library to Ron.

After a week Hermione had been dismissed from the hospital wing by Madan Pomefrey,  and everything went back to normal: they went to classes, they did homework, they did their Head Boy and Girl duties, visited Hagrid in his hut, went to say hi to Dobby and Kreacher in the kitchens and Harry and Ron even went to Quidditch practice every evening. Harry always said they had to train if they wanted to 'hold that bloody Cup' , and even if they constantly regretted their training schedule when they woke up before dawn and went down to the pitch to train even if when outside was freezing or raining. Apparently, their desire of seeing Slytherin beaten was enough to make the team work harder than ever.
This year, without any distraction, the Gryffindor Quidditch team was going to be unbeatable.

Or so Harry told his Quidditch mates.

When they were down at the Quidditch pitch for practice Hermione spread papers and books on a table in the common room and worked on her S.P.E.W. projects, making lists of the elfs' rights and what she thought should be changed, then she sent it to the Ministry.

Ron and Harry had done small pranks all around the school in November when they had free time. They set Dungbombs here and there and sometimes an innocent student would make them explode, causing a mess and eventually - just sometimes - getting detention with an angry with Filch.
It was ridiculous how they'd defeated the darkest wizard in history and jet they still got to end up in detention.

December had finally arrived, and it'd brought a lot of news.
They were returning to the dormitories to take the books they'd need in the next class after a particularly long History of Magic lesson - - when Dean stopped dead, staring at the notice-board in the common room.

"Extra exams? Are you kidding me?" Dean had cried, his eyes widening.


"Let me see..."

"I'm not going to take any extra exams! Aren't the N.E.W.T.s enough already?"

The trio approached the advert. On the parchment dark green letters read:

All seventh and eight year student will attend a private session with the Headmistress to discuss their future works and the possibility of taking extra exams that will be done later this year.

Headmistress Minerva McGonagall.

Under the announcement there were timetables for every Gryffindor student, on it the dates decided for when they had their respective meetings with McGonagall.
Harry's session was on December 15th at four in the afternoon.

"I'll skip Potions!" said Ron excitedly as he looked at his.

"Oh, no!!" Hermione sighed, "I'll have to miss Ancient Runes a-g-a-i-n! I've already skivved it three times last month."

Ginny came hopping out of nowhere and placed a kiss on Harry's cheek.

"What do you think?" she asked, looking up at the advertisement she'd evidently already read.

"I'm going to do it though. If it's useful for the job we'll do..." said Hermione.

"Well, it's just another exam, isn't it? I suppose I'll talk about it with McGonagall." said Harry.

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