Harry's Birthday

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On the mornig of July 31st Harry woke with a start.

He was having a bad dream, that was all he remembered of the night.
Well, it had probably been one of his usual war/Voldemort/how many people have died for you dream.

He opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling, only that even if it was unfocused, Harry could say for certain that something was wrong.
There was something blue up on the wooden ceiling. He hadn't even had the time to think what it was that...

"NOW!" he heard someone shout, and in a fraction of second he was envested by cold water. He felt his soaked clothes stick to his body and he tried to wipe away the water from his eyes.

"What the hell-"

"It was George's idea, and I didn't say it was a good one." said Ron's voice came from his left, giustifying himself before Harry could say anything. "Happiest birthday to you, anyway!"

"Morning Harry. Happy birthday. Getting old, aren't you?" said a familiar voice, "Liked it? Muggle pranks. They seem crazy but they're brilliant." said the twin with a wide grin.

"Well, thanks for the brilliant wake-up I suppose." said Harry rolling his eyes.

"Can I come in?" said what sounded like Hermione's voice from behind the door.

"Yeah." answered Ron and George in unison.

"Happy birthday Ha-" she stopped, staring her soaked best friend, her eyes scanning the blue bucket on the ceiling, the water on the floor and bed and comin to rest on the grin on George's face.
She shook her head in disapproval and used a Hot Air charm on Harry and dried the water on the floor.

"Thank you."

"Those two little kids." she said, giving a sharp look at Ron.

"It was George's idea," the redhead said defensively, "and I never said it was a good one." he pointed out.

"Thanks." replied George enthusiastically, then, when everyone raised an eyebrow at him he added, "Well, Mum usually calls me a baby so it is technically a compliment."

Hermione ignored George's last comment and turned to his best friend instead.
"Happy birthday Harry!" she said happily as if she had remembered it only now. "The others are waiting for you downstairs for breakfast by the way, you all better get dressed and head in the kitchen. See you there." and with that the girl stepped out of the room and disappeared down the flights of stairs.

Everyone wished happy birthday to Harry when he went downstairs with Ron and George.

They had a great breakfast and Ron suggested to do a Quidditch match outside in the woods near the house. Hermione and Percy didn't seem particularly enthusiastic at first, but George dragged them along anyway.

The teams were Harry, Ron and Hermione against Ginny, George and Percy.
Harry, Ginny and George were brilliant, Ron was very good because he felt like no one was looking at him and Hermione and Percy were really bad at it, so the teams were quite balanced.

The teams won two matches each, and even if George kept saying Ron had cheated because he had a better broom than his, he reluctantly agreed to have a rematch after lunch.

Harry had a very good time playing Quidditch that afternoon, and when they returned at the Burrow it was nearly seven in the evening.

Harry's jaw fell open in surprise.

There was a long table like he had only seen it at Bill and Fleur's wedding, the trees were decorated with lights and coloured banners with his name or '18 ' on them.

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