Letters From The Enemy

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"WHAT?" exclaimed Ron and Bill at the same time "Percy? Seeing someone?"
In a matter of seconds, they were all gathered around Mrs Weasley, suddenly interested in her conversation with Bill.
"He didn't tell me anything." said Bill, glancing at Ron, looking quite offended. Ror just shrugged, "Didn't tell me anything either."
"Oh, shut up you two," said Ginny rolling her eyes. "if he didn't say it it's because he didn't want you to know it." she said in, a very Hermione-y voice.
Everyone was staring at her now.
It was Mrs Weasley who quickly broke the silence "Ginny is right Bill, your dad and I didn't write that in our letters because we wanted Percy to take his time."
Everyone in the room except Mrs Weasley hasn't moved his eyes away from Ginny.
She sighed and searched for Hermione's eyes, asking for support, but on her face was only an expression that Ginny could make out as I-don't-know-anything-about-it-please-leave-me-out-of-this.
When Ron opened his mouth to speak, nothing aside from a strangled sound escaped his throat. Bill spoke for him though, "You knew? About Percy?"
"He let something escape in one of his letters," she replied politely "and I asked him to tell me about his new girlfriend."
"Who is she?" asked Harry quietly.
Mrs Weasley's smile widened, "Ooh, she's soooo sweet! Her name's Audrey. Percy brought her here only once to introduce her to me and dad, and I have to say she did make a very good first impression." Mrs Weasley's eye twinkled. "If she comes with him here tomorrow, you'll all have the chance to meet her. Go on now Harry, Ron, Ginny,... The beds are made in your rooms, and take these trunks upstairs, will you? They're occupying the whole hall."

Ron's room was as warm and fascinating as always, and it felt like ages since Harry had last entered it. Quidditch posters, red and gold banners, magazine photos and skatches of dream-models of brooms everywhere. Everything was either red or orange.
Harry smiled as Ron hung a birthday card Harry had sent him as a joke. The card wished Ron a happy birthday and said he - Harry - was too lazy to get up early and make him a surprise so he - Ron - had to remain in his bed until he woke up.
"If you show that to George he could get inspirated." suggested Ron pointing to the card."
Harry grinned. "He would probably start a new section of the shop. Christmas cards singing rude songs and birthday ones that fly without having to bewitch them and than punch you in the nose or something." "That would sound like the perfect birthday gift to George." laughed Ron.


The next day, when Harry and Ron arrived at the breakfast table, Mrs Weasley was making breakfast for Ginny and Hermione, who had apparently got up much earlier than the boys.
"There you are!" cried Mrs Weasley with a warm smile "I was just showing Ginny and Hermione - well, here you'll read everything you have to know." age handed Harry a copy of The Prophet that had arrived that morning by owl post. "I'm out to feed the chickens, call me if you need anything, dears." said Mrs Weasley as she went out in the garden.
Harry and Ron quickly scanned the page looking for the article Mrs Weasley had been talking about.
"It's near the new muggle concert article." said Hermione sipping coffee from her mug.
Harry's eyes landed on an image of some Colcolate Frogs boxes. The title read Chocolate frogs: new edition cards!
Harry's eyes quickly scanned the rest of the article.
"I'm really proud of my new edition of sweets. I'm sure kids will love them! A great way to remember those young men and women that fought so bravely against the dark forces!" says Mr Flume to a Daily Prophet reporter. "We are happy to inform you that the new-edition Chocolate Frogs will be avaible starting tomorrow in Diagon Alley and - of course - Hogsmeade! Also available on owl post."
The shopkeeper exclusively revealed that the cards include the well known names of Alastor Moody, Harry Potter, his mates Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley, as well as Professor Minerva McGonagall, Neville Longbottom and many many more.

Harry looked at Hermione, a quizzical look on his face. "We have personalized Chocolate Frog cards now?"
Ron was still looking at the news in awe. "You must be joking!" he said siriusly.
"Did Fizzy hear right? Someone is joking?" George entered the room in his blue pyjamas, raising an eyebrow at Hermione and Ron.
"And who the hell is Fizzy supposed to be?"
"I'll tell you that later." said George "Now, will someone tell me what happened to Ronny Ron? He looks petrified..."
Ron closed his mouth, his ears blushing.
"Nothing happened! " snapped Hermione irritably "He just read the news."
"So? What's so shocking about the Prophet? Rita Skeeter still campaigning for you to marry Harry or something?"
"No!" said Hermione with a little too emphasis "That was absolutely rude of her!"
"Then why don't you go to the Ministry? What's the point in threating her if she knows you'll do nothing to her?" asked Harry.
Hermione sighed, "But... but Harry that would send her to Azkaban..."
"As she deserves!" Ron said.
"Yeah," agreed Harry "she's been a horrible person. She ruined our lives, and Hagrid's life, too."
Hermione thought it was a bit excessive saying that. Rita had been very mean to them for more than a year when they were fifteen and easily ruined Hagrid's reputation by writing about his giantess mother in one of her stupid articles, but did she really deserve to be thrown into a cell and left there for the rest of her life?
George was looking from Harry to Hermione without understanding a word of what they were saying. "Yeah, go on chatting about your illegal threats you three, no problem." he said "Gin, could pass me the Prophet? I'll have a look at it myself seeing these people don't want to consider me."
"You tell me who Fizzy is before." said Ginny in a challenging tone. "Who is she?"
"She? She? Who told you Fizzy is a she?"
Ginny raised an eyebrow. "Is Fizzy a male then?" she said seriously.
"Now now. You're all drunk because we found out about Percy. It's not as if the prat gets a girl I do the same. That would be like cheating in a test." George smirked at her.
"George Weasley!" said Ginny impatiently. "You tell me who this girl is or I'm going to hex you!"
"Merlin's bloody hat! Calm down. I just named my ear, all right?"
"Oh, Merlin." Ginny passed him the Prophet without another word and looked away, pretending to be staring outside in the garden. Suddenly an owl hit the window.
Ginny jumped from her seat. She saw feathers fly everywhere as the bird fall back onto the ground. "Oh poor bird," said Ginny quickly getting up from her seat to reacue the owl. They waited a few minutes before she returned inside.
"It's yours Hermione." she said nodding towards the letter she carrying, and gave it to her friend. "Hogwarts owls are getting dumber and dumber, apparently. That one broke his wing against the window. The bird has to thank Merlin we are wizards, or it wouldn't have mended in five seconds."
"At least it's not its neck." commented Ron, then turned to look at Hermione. "Who sent you that?"
"It's from Professor McGonagall." Hermione murmored as she examinated the back of the letter, opened it and silently read the message in green ink.
"What does it say?" asked Ron concerned.
It was the date of their next lesson with McGonagall.
"Nothing." she said too quickly "I'll tell you later."
George frowned at her, but she just turned her attention to her breakfast.

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