Will You Ever Shut Up?

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When Harry had left the room Hermione sat on Ron's bed, Crookshanks rolled up near her legs.

"Why have you suddenly agreed to break Mum's rules?" asked Ron, eyebrows raised.

Hermione snorted, "We never broke the rules at school, did we? Besides, Ginny needed to talk to Harry and if I didn't agree they probably would've waited for years to ever speak to each other again."

"What do you think she has to say him?"

"Oh, come on Ron. That's not so difficult to imagine." she said, a small smile forming on her lips. "And that's not our business anyway."

"What's our business, then? I wanted to-"

"Oh, will you shut up a moment? I'm trying to read." she said looking up from Every Useful Spell and Charm Exsistent and rolling her eyes at the ceiling.

"Not if you keep doing that. And you're always reading, can't you --"

But Hermione cut him off, grabbing his arm and pulling him into a deep kiss, finally making him shut up.

"Since when you are such a bossy girl?" he said, smirking, tucking a strand of her curly hair behind her ear.

"Always been, thought." she replied with a grin, before pressing her lips to his once more.

"Love you Hermione."

"Love you too, Ron." she said, Every Useful Spell and Charm Exsistent forgotten on her nightstand.

Hermione found herself still in Ron's room the next morning. She had fall asleep with one of Ron's arms around her protectively. She just wanted to stay like that for the rest of her life, but Mrs Weasley could open the door at any moment and she would find her and Ron sleeping together.
It was definitely not what she wanted yet.

"Ron, wake up!"


She jumped out of bed and opened the door, looked around carefully and run with the heart in her throat to Ginny's room.

Harry and Ginny were both still asleep, Harry was wrapped around her in what seemed a comforting way.

"Harry! Ginny! Wake up!" she said urgently.
Harry opened his eyes slowlt, surprised to find himself in front of Ginny.

"Harry, you have to go downstairs, Mrs Weasley could come here any moment."

"Hermione?" he said, coming out of bed.

"Harry. Your shirt." said Hermione throwing him a random T-shirt on the floor.
He hurried down the staircase only to find that Mrs Weasley was already standing in his room.

"Morning Mrs, Weasley. I - uhm... Was in the bathroom." he muttered.

"Oh Harry dear, I was just asking Ron where you were-" she stopped seeing his crumpled t-shirt, messy hair - messier than usual at least- and swollen lips.
She bit her lip but didn't say anything.
They were nearly 18 after all. And he had defeated Voldemort.
How could she stop the boy who had defeated the Darkest wizard ever existed from doing a bit of snogging?


One month and a half later...

Harry's eighteenth birthday was tomorrow and everyone wanted it to be fantastic.

Harry had said to Mrs Weasley he didn't want anything special - he didn't want to bother her, really - but in the end he agreed to do a little party at the Burrow.

Harry knocked at Ginny's bedroom door, and he was surprised to hear Hermione replying him to come in.
"Hi Hermione. Ginny isn't here? I haven't seen her since dinner last night."

"No, I think she's downstairs with George."
Harry sat on Hermione's bed, looking at the enormous pile of books on her nightstand.

"What are you reading?"

"Oh, I was just reviewing old school books. For this year, you know..." there was a moment of silence. "I can't believe almost a year ago we were going around, finding Horcruxes, entering in the Ministry of Magic, fighting Snatchers and Death Eaters..."

"Yeah, it's been quite horrible, really. Not knowing if you will survive until tomorrow, being hungry, and that locket..."

Hermione smiled sadly, moving her best friend's untidy black hair away from his face. "Yeah, it was quite horrible," she agreed, "look at how we live now. I never thought we would have a quiet life, an dhere we are." she said with a small laugh.
She hugged him tightly then, "If it wasn't for you Harry, our lives wouldn't probably be quiet and happy now."

Harry hugged her back, Hermione's head buried in his shoulder. "Don't say that, Mione." he shook his head "If it wasn't for you and Ron I wouldn't have made it to my second year at Hogwarts. You two are probably the best thing that ever happened to me. No one of us would be here if it wasn't for the others."

"You are so brave Harry." She was crying now. Harry could feel cold tears wetting his shirt.

"And you are brilliant, Hermione. Like Ron had said, we wouldn't last two days without you." he patted her back comfortingly.

"Did he really say that?" she questioned, looking up at him.

Harry nodded and smiled "I wasn't supposed to tell you that, but yes, he did."

Hermione smiled, "Well, almost-birthday-boy," she said, changing subject, "have you decided if you're going to come to school this year?"

"Yes, I did." Hermione raised an eyebrow at him. "Don't look at me like that, I know what you're thinking. And you're wrong." he said with a small smile, "I'm coming home this year. I think the memories we left there - the bad ones - are going to hurt, but we spent almost all last year out of school so it shouldn't be so terrible. I - I think I need to finish my education and stay with Hinny a bit before beginning the Auror training. I hope Ron will do the same."

"I hope that too. " Hermione smiled brightly, already thinking of sending an owl to announce the presence of another eight-year student at McGonagall.

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