Animagi, Quidditch and Pranks

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"So," said Hermione taking place in a red armchair next to Harry.

"So?" Ron raised an eyebrow

"What did she say?" asked Harry looking up from the game of Wizard Chess he and Ron were playing

"McGonagall said we all have our Transfiguration grades good enough to become Animagi, but it will be really difficult. And you two" she said giving Harry a stern look, "will read those books for the first lesson." she said gesturing towards the four large books on the table near them.

"Four books?? Bloody hell." Ron said with wide eyes

"First lesson?! When? And why don't you have to read the books, too?" asked Harry quickly, hoping it would be that Saturday, when Slughorn had practically forced them to agree to go to one of his Slug Club parties.

"The first lesson will be in Friday after Charms, I have already read the books after the Easter holidays. And they are two books each, Ronald." she said rolling her eyes

"Why do you have to be so rude lately?" asked Ron indignantly "We just asked a thing."

"I'm going to bed." said Harry getting up from his armchair. He didn't want to hear the fight that was coming. "We have early Quidditch practice tomorrow."

"Sorry," said Hermione when Harry was out of earshot. Ron was still frowning "I'm really sorry." she pleaded "I didn't mean to be rude. I'm just tired." she shook her head and looked down.

"It's all right. We have so many things to do lately. I've barely seen you these days."

"Yeah. I had Head Girl stuff to do. And a third year, Bonnie Robinson, asked me to make her an extra lesson on locomoting charms, I couldn't say no." she sighed and got up from her seat "It's nearly midnight. We better go to bed."

She began climbing the stairs of the girls' dorms, but Ron took her and gently pulled her in for a kiss. Her lips were sweet, and he could feel the tirednees of her body.

"Goodnight Hermione."

She smiled "See you tomorrow Ron." she turned and went up the stairs.


"Potter, Weasley, have you read the books I gave to miss Granger?"

They were in McGongall's office, but there were three more desks in the Headmistress' office.

"Yes." they both said exchanging a look. Hermione had had a lot of trouble trying to make them read the second of the two books the evening before, but they finally gave up and spent half the night reading.

"Very good. You will read another book for the next lesson."

"But Professor!" protested Ron "We have homework, and Quidditch, and-"

"It's much shorter than the last ones, and I'm sure you'll manage Mr Weasley. You chose to beacome an Animagus, after all."

Ron nodded and looked down to the wood his desk.

"Okay, take notes of what I say, and listen carefully, then." the three of them picked up some ink and parchment from their bags and began scribbling, "Becoming animagi is very difficult, very advanced magic, and if you don't do it as it has to be done, you might have to deal with barking or having a beack for the rest of your lives."

"Very reassuring." wishpered Ron under his breath.

"For the first month, we'll study the theory of the transformation, then - only if you'll be ready - you'll have to carry a mandrake leaf in your mouth, then leave it under the light of the full moon, and there are specific spells to make and potions to take, of course." she put on Harry's desk a book named From human to animal: risks and preparation.

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