W. O. M. B. A. T. s

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When a year before exams would have meant additional hours of boring studying, now they felt like a massive amount of stress.
Stress because the results would determine their career, change their future, give them a chance to show how worth they were, and Harry worried he would lose his chance.

He grew stressed and more stressed as day passed one by one, and he realized how much he would rather be in any other place doing anything else than do the bloody exams.
The stress was amplified by simple things that made his heart jump every time. For example, just Flitwick or McGonagall saying hello to the trio as they passed by made Harry remember of his ambition to become an Auror, of how McGonagall had sworn she would have halped him even if it was the last thing she did.
Becoming an Auror now that Voldemort was defeated seemed quite strange, but to Harry it seemed the best option he had, the work he would enjoy the most doing. And if he failed Potions, D.A.D.A., Transfiguration or Charms exams he had no chance of becoming one.

Every morning he woke up at six in the morning, had breakfast and sat for hours in the library or in the common room - when it wasn't crowded-, re-reading old charms textbooks and gathering informations on Transfiguration topics from Hermione. He went down in the Great Hall for meals and spent at least an hour with Ginny every evening. The only thing he and Ron had temporarily given up was Quidditch. There was still the final match of the term to be played, but Harry hardly found the time to shower every day, so he turned up pleading the Gryffindors on the team to have some little training sessions by themselves.

The day before exams Harry had decided to scroll through his and Hermione's notes all over again and make clear everything he didn't know.

"Hermioneee? Please, I need your help."

"Yes?" Hermione looked up from a copy of History of Magic, by Bathilda Bagshot.

"Here." Harry pointed to her potions notes "You wrote...? What's Uolublis Potion?"

"Volubilis Potion. It alters your voice when you drink it, but it's also useful if you're under effects of a Silencing Charm, it restores your voice."

"And when one's under a Silencing Charm the first thing he does is making a potion." Harry rolled his eyes, and Hermione gave him an annoyed look.

"It's not what you're going to write in a exam paper! And for security reasons you should always be supposed to have a vial of it in tour first aid kit."

"We haven't got any first aid kit though-"

"If you'll work at the Ministry you'll have one, all right?" she rised her voice

"Oi, oi what's going on here?" Ron arrived in the common room an sat himself in the couch, his eyes darting from his beat friend to his girlfriend.

Hermione's head snapped to look at him "What were you doing upstairs all the morning?"

"I was - er... studying Potions."

Hermione raised an eyebrow "I suppose you can tell Harry how to do a Volubilis Potion then?"

Ron's ears were going red "I- er... You have to put potion starter in your cauldron,"
Harry rolled his eyes at the floor. That was how nearly every potions' instructions began.
"You have to add three puffs of frogs breath and three drops of cat tongue saliva, then you heat until the mix turns red-"

"Until the mix turns green." corrected Hermione.

"Yeah, right... You add honeywater and it turns grey - or pink? -, you heat again and when it turns orange you add two-"
"Four mint springs, causing the potion to turn into a shade of green. If you're lucky and you haven't missed anything, after adding 13 ounces of stewed mandrake and heating again, the potion should go from bright red to yellow and release some sparks."

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