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You've reached the end of this story!

Okay, no, I'm just kidding.

This is just the end of part 1 of this story.

Now, this is a complete m.e.s.s. but I'll try to explain.
My original idea was to publish a brand new story that was sort of a continuation to this one (and you can still find that on my profile if u want).
HOWEVER, since it has been flopping badly for the last month *sigh*, I decided to keep part 2 of the story inside After the War, so you guys can read it here! I will be updating here whenever a new chapter comes out!

Breaking news...

I'm nervous.
I've been working so hard on it.
Please please please read it you won't be disappointed (hope so at least).

1. It's called 'The Cursed Generation' 

2. It takes place during the years of permanence of Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione's kids at Hogwarts.

3. Here is the plot:

After the War there's cry, after the War there's pain, after the War there's distruction, but after the War there's also hope, there's love, there's life, there's choice.

Six very different cousins, six very intricate lives.
Teddy, James, Albus, Lily, Rose and Hugo just want a normal life, but their parents' fame certainly does not help...

Teddy Lupin is like a big brother to the Potters. With bright blue hair - usually -, mischievous smile and a big desire to discover who he truly is, Teddy can't wait to leave his gran's safe house behind and go exploring with his favourite new brothers and sister.

James is alway annoyingly good at everything he does, but will soon discover that life can be unkind. His protectiveness towards his siblings and cousins, though, could turn out to be not enough in the most fatal moments.

Albus Potter looks just like his father, but he couldn't feel more different. Or at least, he doesn't want to be like him. Will the Sorting hat take in account his wish?

Lily Potter is no ordinary girl. From the first time she performed magic, her relatives say, she's never been the same. She's been left with a special ability no one is able to identify...

Rose is the closest thing existent to a human encyclopedia, but that's not her only talent. Renowned Quidditch player, gifted mischief maker and extremely pretty, Rose may have a hard time escaping the grasp of unwanted suitors.

When Hugo steps into the Great Hall for the first time all the legends and rumors he's heard from his parents and uncles about their time at Hogwarts come to his mind. He'll find himself leading a bunch of kids hungry for adventure around the castle, looking for secret passageways and hidden angry fire-breathing dragons.

What did James, Albus, Lily, Rose and Hugo do before they got their letter and left for Hogwarts? How was Teddy's life without parents?

The journey to Hogwarts of the most famous children in the wizarding world is about to begin...

Here are the Potter-Granger-Weasley characters and some other important characters and their corresponding school year (1-7):

Lily and Hugo (+ Clara, Lara and Ellie)--> 1st year
Roxanne (+ Lorcan & Lysander) --> 2nd year
Rose, Albus, Louis (+Scorpius) --> 3rd year
Dominique, Lucy, James (+Alice)--> 5th year
Molly II --> 6th year
Frank II (Alice's brother) and Fred II (Roxanne's brother) --> 7th year

5. I'm grateful for every vote or comment this story has gained so far, and by saying this I really mean sometimes getting a 🌟 on a chapter you really like on a day that isn't exactly going well really can improve my mood very much. So thanks for that. Please keep doing that if you enjoy a chapter. On any story you're reading. I think we can all agree writers do need motivation.

6. Enjoy, I guess!

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