Terrier and Otter

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"Harry dear, are you sure you're alright? Do you want me to bring a syrup for sore throat?" Mrs Weasley asked for the fourth time that evening at dinner.
Harry shook his head, "I'm fine, I'm fine, thakk you." He always tried to speak as clearly as he could, trying to hide his raspy and muffled voice, but doing that didn't seem to covince Mrs Weasley at all.
Ron and Hermione were much better than him at dealing with the leaf, but partly it was because they hadn't spoken much since their return home.
"How come you are so silent, little Ronny?" asked George elbowing his redheaded brother.
"I'm just tired." muttered Ron, then quickly looked away, apparently very interested in the conversation Ginny and Mrs Weasley were having at the other side of the table.
George looked like he wanted to press the subject more, but Mr Weasley came in Ron's help, "George, Ron had a long afternoon, he returned at school for a lesson with Harry and Hermione."
"Yeah, just leave him be." agreed Ginny.
"A lesson? Wasn't it a vist to Hagrid?" asked Mrs Weasley.
Hermione looked down at her plate, her face red.
"It was." said Ron too quickly, "Dad probably misunderstood."
Mr Weasley nodded and returned to the half-finished omelette in his plate.
Thank Buckbeak Mrs Weasley let the subject drop, thought Harry.


Eating and speaking turned out not to be the only problems of having a Mandrake leaf in the mouth.
In fact, over the next month they had to deal with loads of trouble for it, even though they all improved at speaking with thr leaf in their mouth. They tried to pocket it in the corners of their mouth, under their tongues, trying to find a comfortable place, but there seemed to be none.
Maybe it was as Hermione said: they just needed exercise. They all hoped it was just that.

The atmosphere at the Burrow brightened slightly when, on July 24th, Mr Weasley came home from work waving a good number of tickets for the final of the Quidditch World Cup.
"Bloody hell!" Ron's eyes windened as he examinated the bright colored tickets, "How many did you get?" he asked his father.
"Well..." started Mr Weasley as he took off his coat, "your mother and I thought we would make an early Christmas gift for all the young Weasleys... We bought thirteen tickets."
"Thirteen?" said Ginny "But that leaves some tickets... Who's coming?"
"Your father, Charlie's coming back from Romania for the event, George... right?"
George nodded eagerly "Of course I'm coming! I wouldn't miss the greatest event of the year for nothing in the world."
"Then there's Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Percy, Audrey, maybe Bill and Fleur, and Andromeda agreed to let Teddy come."
"That leaves out a ticket."
"Maybe George could ask that pretty girl I saw at the shop the other day..." proposed Mrs Weasley cheerfully. Clearly referring at when she had visited the Weasley Wizard Wheezes a few days before.
George's ear reddened. "Come on mum..."
"Oh Georgie, stop being shy," teased Ron "you're the last of us who hasn't a girlfriend."
"Oh, yeah. And Charlie's a fairy now, isn't he?" said Ginny.
"Maybe he's engaged to a Swedish Shortsnout, we could never know." suggested George.
Ginny and Hermione looked at each other and started giggling.
"Stop making fun of your brother, George." commanded Mrs Weasley from the kitchen.
"But I was serious!" said George indignantly.
Ginny muffled her laugh with her shirt.
"Ginny!" called Mrs Weasley from the kitchen "Can you come here a second?"
A funny look crossed the girl's face for a second, but she just stood up and walked towards the kitchen.
"Yes Mum?" she didn't know what to expect. Had Mrs Weasley heard her laughing? That was improbable. Then what??
"There's an owl for you."
Slightly relieved, Ginny opened the window and let the tiny owl waiting on the window still enter. He was really nice owl. Under the sunset his feathers seemed blue. The owl stretched his tiny leg out and let Ginny untie the letter. "Thank you." she smiled at him and filled a bowl of water, "You thirsty?" the little ball of feathers launched himself in the bowl as a response, tousled his feathers eagerly to get rid of the water, drank a sip and took off, flying outside and twirling happily in the sky, pleased with himself to have completed his job.
Back in the kitchen of the Burrow, Ginny Weasley opened the letter addressed to her, removing the seal wax of the Ministry, the one of the Department of Magical Games and Sports.
Inside there was what looked like an official document, only with the strangest design Ginny had ever seen. There were tiny bludgers and quaffles flying around the parchment, and sometimes a miniature golden snitch appeared, too. At the top of the document there was a bright green symbol with two Ks.
Ginny knew what that was: the Kenmare Kestrels' crest!
Her eyes quickly scanned the words on the parchment, her hear pounding faster with each letter she read.
Merlin's bloody pants!
They asked if she was interested to try out for their team as a Seeker. Wait --- oh bloody hell. As a Seeker. She wasn't that good seeking: her role was Chaser!
Of course, she'd enjoyed playing as a Seeker at Harry's place that time, but it had been three years before, and honestly she taking continue action during a game.
But it was alright, she supposed.
She would wait to see if there were other teams interested before agreeing to go with the Kestrels, she decided.

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