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It was August 24th when Harry saw a big owl out of the window of the kitchen right after everyone had finished breakfast and gone upstairs. He opened the window to let the owl, followed by another bird, inside the bedroom.
He gave the two brown owls one of Bubo's snacks that they seemed to enjoy a lot, they drank and flew out of the window, stains of feathers in the blue sky.
It was only then that Harry noticed the Hogwarts crest on the envelopes. They were both quite heavy.
One was adresssed 'to Hermione Granger' and one for... him.
He held his breath as he opened the letter, questions crowdening in his head. Who was writing him? What did they want from him? He had done nothing wrong, he couldn't be in trouble...

"Oh!" he couldn't hold his surprise when a beautiful scarlet Quidditch Captain badge fell in his hands. He had been Quidditch captain in his sixth year at Hogwarts but now it was different, he knew that. Going to Hogwarts without someone who's always trying to kill you, playing Quidditch without interruption, Dementors or people getting petrified was something he'd never quite tried.
The envelope also contained a letter:

Dear Mr Potter,

We are happy to say that you were chosen as Gryffindor Quidditch Captain this year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as you were considered the best one for the job.
We ask you to organize try outs and train your House's Quidditch Team the best you can in the run to the Quidditch Cup.

As a mature eight year student, you were also chosen as one of the two Head Boys of the school - you will hold this role with the seventh year Head Boy.
You know that this is a very important role and we are certain you'll do your best not to abuse of it in any way.
It's important for you to complete your Head Boy duty at Hogwarts, patrolling the hallways, helping younger students and new Prefects, as well as setting up Prefects' meetings.
I include your Badge and the list of letters to send to this school year's new Prefects.

Headmistress Minerva McGonagall.

His eyes widened. On the bottom of the letter there was a shiny red Head Boy badge.
He smiled and run upstairs, Hermione's scroll in one hand, his shiny badges in the other.

"Hermione!" he called "Where are you? There's a letter from school!"


He rolled his eyes: she was never at home when he really needed her.
He thought hard of Ginny, her hands in his hair, his arms around her waist. He thought of Ron and Hermione, alive and happy together.

"Expecto Patronum!" a silvery stag emerged from the tip of his wand. "Tell Hermione Granger to come home quickly, there's something important she needs to see. " he instructed.


"Harry! Is everything okay? I saw your Patronus-"

"It's alright Hermione, nothing to worry about. I just wanted you to open this letter. I wanted to see what was inside it but I waited for you."
Hermione raised an eyebrow.
"And I should tell you you're a good boy?"

"Yeah," said Harry grinning "I'm dying to see... now open this letter or I will."

"Why all this pressure? Is it important? The letter I mean. I was with Ron and-"

"HERMIONE JEAN GRANGER YOU OPEN YOUR LETTER NOW!" Harry shouted half laughing and half impatient to see.

"Okay, okay. Merlin's beard. Calm down." she opened the letter an dbegun to read. Her mouth dropped open in surprise. "I can't believe it." she read it another time, to make sure she'd gotten it right. "I made Head Girl!"
"Congratulation." said Harry smiling. Hermione threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. "I wonder who the Head Boy is?"
"Well, I think I sort of know that..."
Hermione stared at him. Had he been nominated Head Boy? She didn't want to hurt him asking: what if he hadn't been chosen?
"You..." she began carefully.
"I know you were hoping it to be Ron but at least it's someone you know."
"Really? You're Head Boy? Oh Harry, I'm so happy for you. I'm going upstairs to send an owl to my parents. Don't make it weight on Ron, okay?"
Harry nodded solemnly, "Of course."

After The War (Romione & Hinny fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now