We Are Still Alive

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After the end of the War the Wizarding World was asleep. Literally, because everyone was so tired of fighting and losing people they loved that they could barely stand on their feet.

There was a good thing though. Finally there was peace.

Only Aurors and Order of the Phoenix members weren't asleep.
They had to find the Death Eaters that had survived the battle and send them to Azkaban prison. Not before they had had a trial of course.

Injured were healed and deads were buried.

Families had been destroyed and pain was everywhere.

But there was still a future for everyone who had survived. The Dark Lord was gone, killed by a boy named Harry Potter. Many things were murmured around the world about this boy.
Harry Potter the brave boy.
Harry Potter the strong boy.
Harry Potter the Boy Who Lived.
Harry Potter the boy who fought until the end.
Harry Potter the Chosen One.
Harry Potter they boy who survived.
Harry Potter the boy who sacrificed himself for the Wizarding World.
Harry Potter the boy who triumphed on the Dark Lord.

The wizarding world was a mess, yes, but people could still rebuilt it.
The material things at least.

Best of all, people could sleep in comfortable and warm beds now.

They were safe... or nearly.

There were still nights of nightmares and tears and murmurs of loss, hurt and ache, but they would get used to it.
Because deep inside them, everyone knew they would never go away.


Fifty people had died in the Battle of Hogwarts, and Minerva McGonagall - and the rest of the wizarding world - was doing her best to honore them.
Fifty trees had been planted on the Hogwarts grounds, each one symboling the best characteristics of each victim.
A graveyard had been built not far from the Hogwarts grounds, where most of the Fallen Fifty rested under lapids of hundreds of candles and beds of coloured flowers. Messages from friends and family of the victims layed all around the gravestones.

Hogwarts was nearly like it was before the battle, and after the summer holidays, as the new Headmistress Minerva McGonagall announced proudly, students would be returning to study magic at the school.

Kingsley Shacklebolt was now Minister for Magic, and he was already working to remove the Dementors from Azkaban.

Hogwarts students, professors, and people who'd fought in the Battle of Hogwarts were interviewed to tell everyone the story of their last terrible year at Hogwarts, under the regime of the Carrows.
Stories about the tortures the Death Eater twins had made them inflict on students in every possible way, and stories of how the Dark Lord had taken over the school but there had been still someone to stand against him.

Suspected Death Eaters who left the trials as cleared citizens were very few, but Death Eaters' sons whose fathers and mothers were at Azkaban were welcome at Grimmauld Place. Harry had in fact offered the Order the Blacks' old house so that they could use the rooms in it to host young Death Eaters' families who needed a place to live in. He'd spent a lot of time wondering if that was what Sirius would have wanted, but that looked like the most sensible choose to make anyway.

The Golden Trio had slept for nearly two days in a row at the Burrow after the end of the of the feast and their return home.
They had eaten everything Molly'd put in their plates without complaining and then returned to their bedrooms to have a nap or play a quiet match at wizard's chess.

They were exhausted.

The Daily Prophet those days was full of details of the battle. Today the first page announced in big letters:

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