It Will Never Be Over

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"You still haven't built your tent? I've told you to begin half an hour ago! Now you'll have to do it in the dark!" Hermione said to George and Lee, her voice sharp as a kinfe. George had spent all the time complaining about how to built a muggle tent. 'It can't be that difficult!' He had said loudly while reading the instructions. Just a few seconds later he was swearing and asking Lee why had they even brought a muggle tent in the first place.

George rolled his eyes and muttered, "I don't know about you Hermy, but Lee and me are wizards." he lit his wand with a with a simple wave and turned to look at the instructions.

"Actually, I'm a witch." Hermione's eyes flashed dangerously.

George whined as a way of submission. "Ok, ok. You win, mummy!" He turned once again, muttering something that sounded an awful lot like 'No point arguing with her' and 'First Skinny Ginny, now her'.

Harry looked away from his friends, trying very hard not to laugh as Hermione scowled in disapproval.


That evening about thirty people were sitting around the fire, chatting and eating the roast and potatoes that Neville had brought from the Hogwarts kitchens. They sat so close they could easily forget about the cold and dark of the night that surrounded them.

"I had no idea you knew how to sneak into the kitchens, Neville." said Harry as he helped himself to a good dose of roast.

"An Hufflepuff boy told us how to get in when we saved his brother from Amycus Carrow once. Said that teaching us how to nick food from the kitchens was the least he could do to repay us. It's been a very useful thing to know, particularly before Aberforth began sending us food..."

When everyone had finished eating and the chattering had died down, Seamus announced with a jawn that he was going to sleep. Soon enough everyone, one by one, followed his suit.

"Neville?" Harry said.


"Do you mind a walk?"

Neville looked confused, but nodded.

"Ok. Just... I have to pick up a thing I've left in our tent..." he pointed at the wizards' tent that he, Ron, Ginny and Hermione shared.

Neville looked if possible even more confused, but if he found it foolish he didn't seem to mention it.
He waited for Harry to emerge from the tent, and they didn't speak as they walked. Finally, Harry - or at least what was visible of him in the moonlight - stopped. Neville nearly bumped into him for the surprise. Harry lit his wand. "We can sit here." he said, pointing to a wide freshly cut tree log. Neville sat, watching curiously as Harry estracted  a deep red book from the inside of his coat. No, not a book - a photo album!
Why on earth would Harry drag him in a forest in the middle of the night, and with a photo album!

Harry turned to look at Neville before beginning to flip through the pages as he'd done so many times before. "I didn't want to be overheard."

Neville looked strangely pale.
"It's about my parents, isn't it?"

"Well..." There wasn't any reason to lie. "Sort of. It's nothing big, really, it's just... Have you seen a lot of pictures of your parents?"

"Gran has some of them on the cupboards in the kitchen and in her room back at home. I used to spend hours looking at them when I was little." he smiled at the memory.

"Hagrid gifted this album to me at the end of our first year of school -- Look." Harry pointed to the picture of the original Order of the Phoenix Moody had given him a long time ago.

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