The New Weasley

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Getting used at being an Animagus wasn't easy at first.
Hermione remembered crying of happiness the evening she'd managed her first transformation.
Since she told Harry and Ron about her first successful change into her Animagus form, they had asked to see her turn no less then three times. Every time they'd sneak into an empty room of the Burrow, secure the lock on the door, and wait for Hermione to calm down and stop pacing around the room. Then pop! and she was an otter.
If only it were as simple as it seemed, Harry thought grimly every time he saw her do it.

"Look at you! All pretty and shiny furred," Ron had said after he'd seen her turn for the first time, "you better never be seen by a - what? - male otter? He'd kidnap you and I'll never be able get you back!"
"I siriusly doubt otter kidnap each --" but the boys hadn't seemed to be interested in what she was trying to say at all.
"Yeah, you'll have hundreds and hundreds of handsom-faced, shiny-furred otters kneeling to you, it's just a matter of - Oi! - of time." Harry had grinned widely and kept laughing even when a very rosy-cheeked Hermione had thrown one of the massive books on her bedside table at him.
"You're just being prats. You'd never say that to my human self." she'd dared them "And I don't think there are any other otters around Ottery St Catchpole anyway, are there?"
"Merlin's stinking shoe, she really can't take a compliment, can she?" Ron had asked. Then he'd ducked to dodge another book.

But flying books apart, they had a problem. Ron and her. Well, more Ron than her, really.

They had to tell the Weasleys about their Animagus thing.

Hermione knew her parents would have nothing to say against the work she'd done to become an Animagus, but how would they react when she told them?
They'd learned to believe things any common Muggle didn't believe, they'd begun to understand that usually wizards and witches were behind mysteries and strange happenings. But wouldn't they be scared - or even horrified - to see their daughter turn into an animal?
Did something more unnatural than that even exist?
If that alone was a problem, telling the Weasleys would be much, much worse. The Weasleys were seven, and even if Ginny and Mr Weasley had known about the Animagus-thing all along, telling George and Mrs Weasley wouldn't be simple at all.
They all agreed to tell Mrs Weasley first, but days passed and they never managed to get to speak to her when she was on her own.
Eventually, they gave up on plan A.
"But we don't even have a second plan." Hermione protested.
"We do." said Ron "When you plan something - anything - you always have to make sure there's a plan B."
Hermione's eyes narrowed. "Thank you very much for the inspiring quote, Ronald. Now you could consider telling us your brilliant plan."
"It's very simple, listen..."


"Ron!! Come and say hello to your brother!" Mrs Weasley's voice rang out the many flights of stairs of the Burrow.
"My brother?" Ron murmored, confused. He raised an eyebrow and exchanged a questioning look with Harry, but the black-haired boy just shrugged his shoulders apologetically. Ron got up and squeezed Hermione's shoulders. "I'll be back in a minute." Hermione nodded. Instead of doing the same, Harry spoke up.
"I can come along if you want." he offered.
Ron hesitated for a moment.
"I know you don't want to go downstairs by yourself." Harry shrugged again.
"All right." Ron grinned, "But c'm on, or Mum will slice me up for dinner."
Harry snorted, but he got on his feet pretty quickly anyway, "You know she'd never do that."
Ron shook his head, "You don't know her enough then, mate. But don't give her the idea of me for dinner. She may like it, you know..."
Finally, they arrived in the kitchen.
"Ron!" Bill was grinning so widely that his face looked more deformed than usual, his eyes bright and cheeks flushed. He hugged his younger brother tightly, then did the same to Harry. "So good to see ya, Harry! Isn't Teddy here?"
"Nah, he's with Andromeda... She'll bring him him here by tomorrow, I expect. He's coming with us to see the Quidditch final."
"Speaking of Quidditch finals...I think you'll -- oh, hi Hermione!" Bill smiled kindly at the girl who had just stepped inside the kitchen.

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