Little Lupin

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The Grangers followed Ron and Hermione at the Burrow, where Molly had invited them to spend the night before going to their old home again. It wasn't Mrs and Mr Weasley's first travel on the Knight Bus - Hermione had told him they'd used to take the magical bus to bring her to Diagon Alley when she was a child - but they were staring out of the window in awe all the same when the magical transport took off the ground and flied over the dark sea.

Harry was waiting for them in front of the Burrow when they arrived. "Ron! Hermione! It's good to see you again, Mr and Mrs Granger."

"Pleased to see you again too, Harry." Mrs Granger smiled at him. "It's been a while. Thanks for being a good friend to our Hermione here."
Hermione appeared at their side, looking truly exhausted.
"Mum, Dad, you can go in to greet Mrs and Mr Weasley if you wan- Harry!" She was already running to pull him into a tight hug, and when she stepped away she noticed Harry seemed happier than usual.

"What is it?" she narrowed her eyes, "You made up with Ginny?" she asked hopefully. Meanwhile, Ron showed the Grangers the way to the living room.

Harry breathed heavily and shook his head, "They got me, you and Ron the Order of Merlin, first class. The letters from the Ministry have arrived just this morning.
And...Minnie says we received three Awards for Special Services for the school. As has Luna, Ginny, Neville, George, Fred, Percy, Bill, Charlie, Colin, Katie and the lads. We have our own trophies in the Trophy Room now."

Hermione hugged him again, but this time she had tears in her eyes "They didn't have to!" she said. "Wait till Mrs Weasley knows..."

"And guess who's come to greet us?" Harry said brightly, grabbing his friend's hand and pulling her in the living room. Ron was already there, waiting for his friends.
He grinned as Harry took a almost-two-months-old baby out of a baby cot. He held him in his arms for Hermione to see.
"Hermione. Meet my godson."

"Teddy!" she squeaked excitedly, "Oh he's sooo grown!!!"

"We last saw him was in that photo Remus showed us." agreed Ron.

"Yeah," said Harry, who couldn't stop siming. "Andromeda is taking care of Teddy for now, but she says she'll leave him with us sometimes, seeing that I'm his godfather and all..."

"He can change like Tonks did." osserved Ron.
"It's called metamorphomagus." whispered Harry.
"Oh, and really well spotted, Ron!" said Hermione rolling her eyes, but she was smiling at the blue-haired baby.
Harry said, "Andromeda says he's always up to something, and he isn't even two months old!"

"Does my ear hear right? Who's up to something?" interrupted George, entering the living room.

"No one is up to something," said Hermione rolling her eyes, "But Ted Lupin is here if you want to know him."

"Oooh. Hi little Lupin." he said to the baby "Does really Andromeda approve blue hair? If Mum would have ever charmed my hair to be like that I'll eat my shoe."

Harry laughed. "It wasn't Andromeda who did that, it was Teddy! He's a Metamorphmagus."

That evening they ate everything Mrs Weasley had managed to cook - and it was even more than usual, since they had just announced they'd received an 'Order of Merlin, first class' prize, and when you managed to make Mrs Weasley proud there was no safe place to hide from all the food she perpared. In fact, Harry thought, she'd probably run after you with a pan full of roast if you tried to escape. But that was not their case.

Sitting together at the long wooden table in the dining room, laughing and talking happily, the family spent a very good evening.

When Harry's head touched his pillow that night he immediately fell asleep.

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