A Weasley's Helping Hand

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Dear George,

Sorry to bother you at this hour, but we - me and the DA still at school - are in urgent need of help. We want to do a prank, one for whom we will be remembered for something different than fighting You-Know-Who, something that'll make even the professors' eyes winden.
Of course I have the jokes you sent me for my birthday, but I thought that if you had something to add... Even just a little ikle idea is okay, as long as it will remain top-secret.

See you in a few weeks,

P.S. We have NEWT exams coming up soon, and Hermione and everyone is very tense, I think I know some people who might enjoy a pack of your Pasties...

Ron looked down at the letter he had scribbled down during History of Magic that morning. He sealed it and tied it to Pigwidgeon's stretched leg. "Hope you'll be still intact by the time you return with what George will send," he said at the brown olw hooted excitedly "just make sure he sends something back, will you? I said I would come up with something and Dungbombs, two pairs of Sticky Trainers and a tin of exploding biscuits certainly aren't enough."
He looked as the tiny owl took filght and slowly passed ove rthe big trees of the Forbidden Forest.
Grawp, Hagrid's step-brother, would have played with trees like that just for the fun of it. But then Grawp was probably playing with trees like that at this very moment, he thought. The 'small-sized' giant now lived where he and Hagrid had hidden for months when the Death Eaters were after him. Hagrid still went once a week to speak with him, to emprove his English. He had never stopped believing one day he would prove to wizards that giants weren't all bad, no matter what the Trio said. And Ron had to admit that Grawp had really made a bit of progress since the last time he had seen him. Still, Harry, Ron and Hermione were really glad Hagrid had never asked them to meet Grawp again.
Suddenly a Thestral took flight over the trees, just to land back in the dark forest in a fraction of second. But Ron had seen it. He had been able to see the black winged horses for more than a year now, and he couldn't just believe he and Hermione had thought Harry had gone mad for seeing them juat a few years before.

Ron shrugged and turned, deciding to go back to the Gryffindor tower, where he could have a game of chess with Harry if he was lucky, or a full-evening Transfiguration revision with Hermione if he was less lucky.
As Ron turned a corner quickly, a dozen of chalks fell on his head. "What the-" he looked up, carefully shielding his face with his arms, only to see Peeves the Poltergeist staring down at him with wide eyes and a big smirk on his face. He began to sing.

"Rony, Ronny, Ron, where are you going is such a hurry? Surely up to no good, aren't you?" the smirk on Peeves's face widened even more "Ooh, but Mr Oldy Oddy Fiiilch would be soo pleased to see how a littly fiiilthy student is out of his bed at this hour..."

Ron tried to think of a way to get out of the trouble he was stepping in. He desperately wanted the poltergeist to hush, but telling him that would only make him raise his voice more. Peeves never let go of a student if he could put him in trouble, Ron knew that since when he was in first year. But then Peeves couldn't resist making a mess whenever he had the oppotunity.

"Peeves! Peeves, would you like to help me with something?"

"What can Peevesy help Rony Ronny Ron to do?" he asked turning upside down in mid air.

"A very, very, very secret thing," said Ron in a mistic voice, looking around nervously to see if anyone was coming. The last thing he wanted was to get caught now and end up in detention for his last month at Hogwarts.

"Ooh, Peevesy loves keeping secrets!"

"Yes, we'll do a prank to students and professors all over the castle, want to help us?"

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