The Anniversary

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All the Dumbeldore's Army had had so much fun camping that when the Easter holidays were over it was almost a delusion returning to school.

Just the evening before leaving Harry, Ron and Hermione went for a walk on the beach.

The only thing they could see was each other's shape in the moonlight, and Harry risked several times to slip on the path of stones that led to the beach. Hermione had suggested not to lit their wands.

"I'm going to break my ankle if you keep slowing down and speeding up every two seconds, Harry." said Ron from somewhere being Harry in the dark.

"Sorry. I'm just trying to see where I'm putting my feet." said Harry rolling his eyes "Hermione's idea not to lit wands."

"Oi! I only said it would be respectful for-"

"Ok. Ok. Calm down you two." siad Ron's voice speaking up again "We're nearly there anyway, aren't we Hermione?"

"Mmh... Well it's not as thought I can see where we are, no?" she said quietly

But Ron was right. Two minutes later they felf the sand under their shoes. They took their sandals off and sinked their feet in the sand. It was not warm nor cold.

"Let's run." suggested Hermione.

"Run? From when are you such a sporty girl?" asked Ron jokingly. Hermione punched him in the ribs.

"C'm here. I made a line on the sand, if you can see it." said Harry throwing the stick he used away "The arrival's that big stone there. Ready?"

Hermione nodded, Ron grinned, and Harry grinned back "Three... Two... One... Go!"

Ron was still smirking at Hermione when Harry gave the signal, and started to run a bit later.

Hermione was actually faster than anyone thought, and was ahead Harry for the first fifty meters, but she eventually slowed down after, and Harry cought up with her.

Harry arrived first, and tuned to see Hermione running, closely followed by Ron, towards him.

She stopped right after she passed the big stone and Ron bumped into her. "Sorry!"

They fell into the sand, and Harry couldn't help but smile to himself when his two best friends stood up giggling and kissed, still breathless from the run.

He looked away, giving them privacy, and went to sit on the sand. He found he didn't feel the third wheel anymore, and he was quite surprised by it.

Hermione and Ron kissing sometimes made him a bit uncomfortable, but when you were used to it it was not a problem anymore.

He looked at the moon and thought of Remus Lupin, of how he had been as good as second father to him.

Were was he now? And Sirius? Were they alright? Were they happy?

Harry hoped so. He took a deep breath, feeling the fresh air run everywhere in his body.

"Harry?" Ron came and sat near him, Hermione did the same. Harry couldn't see their faces in the dark, but he could almost see Hermione's red cheeks.
"I was thinking... I'd like to be an Animagus." Ron said casually.

"What?!" asked Harry and Hermione at the same time.

"An Animagus. I never even took in consideration to become one."
Hermione studied his face in the dark, and Harry thought of Sirius, who turned into a big black dog whenever he liked, and of his father...

"McGonagall said it's difficult to become Animaguses..."

"Animagi." corrected Hermione rolling her eyes at him "And yes, you have to do a lot of studies to become one. A lot of theory and a lot of practical things. You have to leave a mandrake leaf in your mouth for one month, then put it in a glass vase and let it take the light of the moon-"

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