Graduated Students

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The only lessons going on for Harry, Ron and Hermione were the ones they were taking to become Animagi, and it felt strange to think they would never enter in the Charms classroom again, and they wouldn't wait in front of the dungeon door where Snape used to have lesson ever again.
It also felt strange that they would go on having lessons with McGonagall until they managed to turn into their Animagus form. At moment, they had nearly finished to study the theory of the changing, and McGonagall had announced they would receive their respective Mandrake leaves on June 28, when the next full moon would take place.

The entire school was waiting for the final match, that Thursday, and no one could remember to have ever seen a Hogwarts Quidditch match take place after the final exams.
Harry was leafing through the Daily Prophet the morning of the match, at breakfast, when Hermione sat on the bench near him, sighing.
"I tried to tell them to shut up, make less noise, put a silencing, charm... I've tried everything! They just won't stop shouting and making noise up in the common room."

"They're overly exited by the match, I suppose." Harry shrugged.

"Overly exited! Tell that to the comitee of third years making banners pro-Gryffindor, pro-Harry Potter, and pro-bloody-everyone on the team in the common room!"

"Come on Hermione, they're just having fun! What's the problem with it?"

"Oh, none! Only that I'm Head Girl." she said sarcastically "And you are-"

"Head Boy and I'm not collaborating, yes, you mentioned a few times..." he rolled his eyes.

She sighed and shook her head. "I'll never understand Quidditch. Anything new?" she asked pointing at the Daily Prophet.

"Oh, not much. The Aurors still haven't caught Grey back, even tough they seem to have looked everywhere, and -" he looked down at the pages, suddenly a big grin on his face, "Woha! 'QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP CONFIRMED'!" Harry read aloud, his eyes nearly as wide as his grin.
Other students in the Great Hall were all reading and pointing the article to their friends. Some gryffindor second years even began to sing the national anthem, quickly joyned by three Ravencalw boys who were jumping up and down on their seat as they shouted happily. In front of Harry's eyes, the Great Hall filled with exited shouts.
Dean, Neville and Justin arrived at the Gryffindor table, Dean was frowning "What the f--"
"Dean!" Hermione gave him a Look and turned back to tell some first year girls about how a Quidditch Cup worked.
"Look." Harry put his copy of the Daily Prophet on the table.
In first page a young wizard was spinning on his broom at high speed until he finally cought something nearly invisible in his fist.


Yesterday afternoon it was officially confirmed by the Minister for Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt that, under the Ministers' Comitee, this summer will take place the competition between the greatest Quidditch players of all time. The final of the 423rd World Cup, England - Malawi will be played on August 14. For all the fans of the British team's happiness, England resulted to be one of the greatest teams in these last four years, after the winning three hundred and ten to hundred and fifty against Uganda last Tuesday. The fans are most proud of the results, and even Tim Beth, coach of the British team, admitted he was really relieved to see his team winning again after the embarassing loss at the last Quidditch Cup: three hundred and ninety to ten against Transylvania. (Turn to page 15 for the interviews with the Seeker and two Chasers on the team).
The match will be played in Kalamata, Greece, and tickets will be avaible at the Ministry from July 13.
The Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports, reports that his Department has been very occupied with the preparations... (For more information turn to page 17).

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