The New Hogwarts

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The Great Hall seemed warmer than usual. Maybe it was because the last time he went there everywhere was cold and distructed or maybe because the house-elves wanted it to be more welcoming than usual.
The House tables were in their usual positions, though longer than they used to be because of the larger number of students.

Harry took place between Ginny and Ron.

They waited until nearly every seat in the Great Hall was occupied, then Hagrid - Harry, Ron and Hermione exchanged a knowing glance - went in, a line of scared and impressed first years wobbling after him. Some of them were admiring with wide eyes at the ceiling and the floating candles, others were eyeing the old Sorting Hat that was waiting for them on an old wooden stool.

Harry remembered how scared and curious he was the day when he'd first arrived to Hogwarts. He'd been most frightened of the Sorting, he remembered, because no one really seemed to know what they were supposed to do to be sorted into the Houses.
With a smile he remembered Hermione reciting useful spells and things she read about in Hogwarts: A History - a book that he and Ron had actually still never read.
He still could hear Ron's voice telling him that to be sorted they'd have needed to fight magical creatures.

Harry's attention switched to the Sorting Hat, that was singing his song on how the Dark Lord'd been defeated by the school's students and the union of students and things  Harry didn't really pay attention at.
He noticed that the first years seemed more than usual.

"Hermione, why are the first year kids so many?"

"Because last year lots of them stayed home bacause of their blood status, don't you remember? But now hush, the cerimony is beginning."
It was true. Harry looked as the first student's face was covered by the old Sorting Hat.

"RAVENCLAW!" it shouted its decision after about ten seconds. The boy jumped off the stool and went to sit at the Ravenclaw table, where Jenny Oldman and a Prefect girl with blue hair were greeting him.
Then it was the turn of a little girl named Ellie Alden, now the Hat declared "GRYFFINDOR!" without hesitation the moment it touched Ellie's head.
The Sorting went on and on, Houses erupting in cheers and applause to greet the new first year students.
The last four students to be sorted were Vince, Ellen - "RAVECLAW!"-, Voyles Sarah - "SLYTHERIN!"-, Williamson, Leanne - "HUFFLEPUFF!"- and Zenith, Zack that became a Hufflepuff.

When Zack reached the Hufflepuff table and the cheering from his new housemates faded away, Professor McGonagall stood up and began to speak, she didn't need to ask for attention, everyone had gone silent the moment she'd stood.

"Welcome back to another year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!" she said, smiling at the first year students. "I'm - as lot of you already know- the Headmistress of this school, and I'm going to say just a few words before we'll let the house-elves show us what they've cooked. First of all, I'm glad to present the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Jones." A young man in a black suit stood up and smiled at the students, then sat again. "and Professor Boggings, that will teach you Muggle Studies." a blonde woman with a golden necklace stood, accompanied by a respectful applause. "Professor Hagrid will return to teach Care of Magical Creatures and will cover the role of Gryffindor Head of the House." Mny Gryffindors applauded enthusiastically at McGonagall's last sentence. "Last but not less important, I must remember you that entering in the Forbidden Forest is indeed forbidden, as the name itself says, and the list of forbidden objects that contains Fanged Frisbees and Dungbombs. You may check it out on Filch's office door for the full list. Let's eat now, I'm sure we're all hungry."
As usual they hadn't even had the time to blink that food appeared on the tables. There was chicken and potatoes, roast and rice, vegetables and fruit, pudding and cakes.

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