Her Boyfriend

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Hermione looked down the street - it appeared to be deserted - so she took her wand out of her pocket and flung out her right arm.

There was a loud bang and Ron and Hermione's faces were suddenly invested by a blinding light.
A second later, a gigantic triple decker purple bus appeared out of nowhere with nothing but a loud 'BANG'.
A man leapt out of the bus and announced "Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witches or wizards. Just stick out your wand hand, step on board and we can take you anywhere you want to go. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor this evening." he finally looked up from the bit of paper he was reading from, and his eyes fell on Hermione," Your names please?"

"Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley" said Hermione quickly.

"Granger? And Ron Weasley? Aren't you the two who helped Harry Potter defeating You-Know-Who?" he examined their faces and raised an eyebrow. He looked fine for someone who had been to Azkaban and had acted under Imperius curse for such a long time, Hermione thought.

"Yes, we are, but now if we could go..."

"Get in. Get in Miss Granger. You take this." said Stan giving Ron a purple ticket with the prices for the travel.

"From here to Australia plus two hot chocolates, please." Ron said.

"Fifteen Sickles. But are you sure you don't want a 'ot water bottle an' a toothbrush? You can choose the colo-"

"Yes, we're sure" Hermione cut in, hurrying to hand Stan the money and making her way towards one of the brass bedsteads.

"After the next stop we're going to Australia Ernie!" they heard Stan say, then, with another loud BANG, their travel Knight Bus began.

"I hate this thing." said Hermione, who seemed to be ready to throw up at any moment.
Ron wrapped an arm around her shoulders and held her comfortingly.

"Here's your 'ot chocolate. Enjoying the travel?" interrupted Stan, coming down the length of the bus corridor with two large cups in his hands.

"Yes, it's all right." lied Ron, "Could you put the cups here? Thank you Stan..." he said quickly, sill keeping Hermione firmly in his strong arms.
The Bus was going so fast thet their heads kept slamming against the window.

"Where are we Ern?" he heard Stan ask.

"We'll reach Australia in fifteen minutes." he cried back.

When they finally got out of the Bus it seemed like they had traveled for hours and hours.
Hermione's face was blank and Ron was still gently holding her on her feet.
"It's alright Hermione. We've done it." said Ron kindly.
"Now, have you got the address?"

"Mmh? "

"Your parents' address"

"Oh. That." she searched in her bag for a while and passed a folded piece of parchment to Ron.

"It's not far from here." he murmured, and seeing some Muggles walking toward them he added, "But we better go now".
Hermione nodded weakly.

After a few minutes walk they reached it.
It was a white terrace house in an empty street.

Hermione nodded and Ron knocked on the door. Nothing. He knocked again, this time with more decision.
After a while they heard steps coming down the stairs, and Ron instinctively tightened the grip on his wand.
A black haired woman opened the door.

"What-" she began.
"Mom!" Hermione cried, running where the woman stood and pulling her into a tight hug before she could say anything. Then they entered in the living room, trying to ignore Hermione's mum's questions.
"Who are you? What do you want? Stop girl, I didn't say you could come in." she kept saying, a panicked look on her face.

Hermione was silent, tears slipping down her face. Ron squeezed her hand in his, an dhe could almost feel how hurt she felt.

"Stop! What do you think you're doing?!" the woman said loudly seeing Hermione taking out her wand from her pocket.

"Sorry Mum," Hermione murmured, she raised her wand and--"DON'T!" said Ron, blocking her arm in mid air. "I'll do that. You're still too weak from the travel, I don't think you should take the risk..." he said, eyeing the tears that kept spilling down Hermione's cheeks. The girl just nodded. She didn't like the idea of being called weak, but she was too exhausted to reply. She sat on the sofa and watched.

"What-?" the woman was getting more and more confused.

And Hermione's mother collapsed against a wall, unconscious.

"I had to," Ron explained "she would've gonw mad. Hope she's alright." he commented, but he stopped talking when he heard another set of footsteps on the stairs.

A tall man appeared in the living room. He saw Hermione and Ron and his face went blank. Before he was able to scream or talk or even move, Ron casted the 'Petrificus Totalus' spell on him, and the man collapsed on the floor.

"I'm going to do this." said Hermione in a determinated voice: she wanted her parents back, and she wanted to be the one to make them come back to her. She turned to face her petrified father on the floor.
She murmured a spell under her breath. Her dad's eyes went blurry, then she did the same with her mother.
"Ennervate." she declared finally.
"Finite Incantatem."
One minute later her parents had their old memories back, and she helped them to stand up in front of her and Ron.

"Hermione!" screamed her mother hugging her tightly and placing kisses all over her dauther's face.
They recognized her. Hermione could have screamed of happiness. She had never been sure she would be able to get her parent's memories back, but here they were. She'd done it. And it hadn't been even nearly as difficult as she'd expected it to be.

"I'm so glad you're back, Mum!" she said through the bone-crashing hug. "It's so good to see you!"

Mrs Granger stared at Ron ove rher daughter's shoulder, her eyes still full of tears.
Ron wondered what he was supposed to do. "I'm Ron Weasley," he said ankwardly, and he held out his hand for Mrs Granger to shake.

"Oh!" she exclaimed suddenly, making everyone in the room jump, "You're Ron Weasley! Hermione's told us everything about you! It's very kind of you to have come here with her. She needs a good friend, am I right Hermione?"

The bushy-haired girl blushed slightly, "Well, I-" she took a deep breath and went on, "Ron and I are more than friends, actually. He's... He's my boyfriend, you see."

Hermione was secretly glad her Mum hugged her again then, so she didn't see her face blush.

"I'm so happy for you sweetheart! You're soo grown!"

Ron and Hermione shared a little smile over Mrs Granger's shoulder. Then Hermione's parents invited them to have tea with them.

They'd done it.

Hermione smiled at herself.

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